(1) The Construction Contractors Board is established, consisting of nine members appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the Senate in the manner provided by law. Three of the members shall be residential contractors who primarily work on residential or small commercial structures, including one contractor engaged in the business of remodeling, two shall […]
(1) The Construction Contractors Board shall select from among its members a chairperson, a vice chairperson and such other officers for such terms and with such duties and powers necessary for the performance of their duties as the board determines. (2) A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction […]
(1) The Construction Contractors Board may investigate the activities of any person engaged in the building and construction industry to determine compliance with this chapter. (2) With the approval of the city or county, the board may conduct investigations with city or county inspectors, provided that the city or county is reimbursed by the board […]
(1) The Construction Contractors Board shall begin an action to determine whether a contractor or a subcontractor shall be considered not qualified to hold or participate in a public contract for a public improvement upon receipt of information from a public contracting agency or from any person who supplied labor or materials in connection with […]
At least once each month, the Construction Contractors Board shall provide to investigative units of the Department of Revenue, Department of Consumer and Business Services and Employment Department the name and address of each person who acts as a contractor in violation of this chapter or who knowingly assists an unlicensed person or a licensed […]
(1) The Construction Contractors Board shall adopt rules to carry out the provisions of this chapter including, but not limited to, rules that: (a) Establish language for surety bonds; (b) Establish processing requirements for different types of complaints described in this chapter; (c) Limit whether a complaint may be processed by the board if there […]
(1) Before July 1 of each year, the Construction Contractors Board shall determine the amounts of the fees to be charged for applications under ORS 701.056 for the issuance or renewal of contractor licenses. The fee amounts are subject to prior approval of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services and a report to the Emergency […]
(1) The Construction Contractors Board shall supply the Department of Revenue and the Employment Department with a partial or complete list of licensees as deemed necessary by the board. (2) The lists required by subsection (1) of this section shall contain the name, address, Social Security or federal employer identification number of each licensee or […]
(1) Social Security numbers, driver license numbers, dates of birth and other personal identifier information included in a license or certificate application filed under this chapter are confidential. Except as provided in this section, the Construction Contractors Board may not disclose personal identifier information contained in a license or certificate application. (2) Subsection (1) of […]
(1) Any individual may request and the Construction Contractors Board shall provide notification of the status of one or more licensees. Status information provided by the board shall include any professional credentials earned by the contractor as described in ORS 701.120. (2) The board may charge a standard fee for the notification described in subsection […]
The Construction Contractors Board may retain 20 percent annually from the funds collected under ORS 701.992. The amount retained under this section shall be continuously appropriated for the board’s costs of collection of civil penalties imposed by order of the board. [1989 c.928 §29; 1995 c.771 §5]
(1) From within its membership, the Construction Contractors Board shall appoint three members, including one of the public members or the elected official, as an appeal committee. The board may appoint one or more appeal committees. At least one residential contractor shall be appointed to any committee that hears appeals involving residential complaints. (2) An […]
(1) The Construction Contractors Board shall adopt rules establishing a continuing education system for residential contractors licensed by the board. The rules shall include, but need not be limited to, minimum standards to be met: (a) By approved providers of continuing education; and (b) By courses that the board approves as continuing education. (2) In […]
(1) The Construction Contractors Board may enter into agreements with approved continuing education providers for the providers to offer education developed by the board under ORS 701.082 (1)(b). The agreements may provide for the board to collect payment from the providers for the use of the education materials developed by the board. (2) In determining […]
(1)(a) The Construction Contractors Board may establish a voluntary certification program for a residential general master builder of vertical homeownership structures and other structures and may define a vertical homeownership structure by rule. At a minimum, the certification program must provide education, training, assessment and evaluation of individuals with respect to the individuals’ knowledge of […]
(1) The Construction Contractors Board may enter into interagency agreements with the Department of Consumer and Business Services for the department to perform duties on behalf of the board under this chapter regarding: (a) Licenses, registrations and other authorizations; or (b) Regulated activities of a contractor. (2) Subject to the approval of the Director of […]
The Construction Contractors Board shall investigate allegations of illegal activity in the construction industry and seek civil or criminal prosecution of illegal activity that warrants more than an administrative sanction. [2001 c.850 §4]