(1) A credit union must be directed by a board that consists of an odd number of directors, at least five in number, who are elected by and from the credit union’s members in the manner provided in the credit union’s bylaws. Members of the board hold office for such terms as the bylaws provide. […]
Within such time as the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may establish, a record of the names and addresses of the members of the board, committees and all officers of the credit union shall be filed with the director on forms provided and in the manner prescribed by the director. [1975 […]
(1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, the board of directors may fill any vacancies occurring in the board until successors elected at the next annual meeting have qualified. (2) If a vacancy occurring in the board reduces the number of directors to five or fewer, the board shall fill the vacancy until a […]
A credit union may pay to the credit union’s directors and supervisory committee members reasonable compensation for service as directors and supervisory committee members and may reimburse directors, supervisory committee members and other committee members while the directors or committee members are on official business for necessary expenses incidental to performing the official business. [1975 […]
No director, committee member, officer, agent or employee of the credit union shall in any manner, directly or indirectly, participate in the deliberation upon or the determination of any question affecting pecuniary interest or the pecuniary interest of any corporation, partnership or association (other than the credit union) in which the director, committee member, officer, […]
(1) At the organizational meeting of the board of directors and within 60 days after each annual meeting of the members, the directors shall elect an executive officer, whom the directors may designate as chairperson of the board or president, a vice chairperson of the board or one or more vice presidents, a treasurer and […]
The board of directors shall have the general direction of the business affairs, funds and records of the credit union. [1975 c.652 §31]
From the persons elected to the board, the board may appoint an executive committee of not less than three directors who may be authorized to act for the board in all respects, subject to such conditions and limitations as are prescribed by the board. [1975 c.652 §32]
The board of directors of a credit union shall hold regular meetings. The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may specify by rule the minimum frequency of meetings of the board of directors. [1975 c.652 §33; 1999 c.185 §15; 2009 c.234 §7; 2011 c.327 §1; 2017 c.35 §3]
(1) The board of directors shall manage the business and affairs of the credit union. The duties of the board include, but are not limited to, the duties listed in this section. The board may not delegate duties listed in subsection (2) of this section. The board may delegate the duties listed in subsection (3) […]
The credit committee shall have the general supervision of all loans to members. [1975 c.652 §35]
The credit committee shall meet as often as the business of the credit union requires and not less frequently than once a month to consider applications for loans. No loan shall be made unless it is approved by a majority of the committee who are present at the meeting at which the application is considered. […]
(1) The credit committee may appoint one or more loan officers and delegate the power to approve or disapprove loans, subject to such limitations or conditions as the credit committee prescribes. (2) Loan applications not approved by a loan officer may be reviewed by the credit committee. [1975 c.652 §37; 1987 c.286 §6]
The board of directors of a credit union may appoint a chief credit officer in lieu of a credit committee to approve or disapprove loans under conditions that the board prescribes. If the board appoints a chief credit officer in lieu of a credit committee, the provisions of ORS 723.302 to 723.312 do not apply […]
(1) The supervisory committee shall make or cause to be made a comprehensive annual audit of the books and affairs of the credit union and shall submit a report of the audit to the board of directors and the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services and a summary of that report to […]
(1) The supervisory committee by a unanimous vote may suspend any member of the board until the next members’ meeting. The next members’ meeting must be held not less than 14 nor more than 45 days after the suspension. At the meeting the members shall decide whether to remove the suspended officer or board member. […]
(1) If a director, officer or committee member of a credit union has reason to believe that a person has violated any provision of the Oregon Credit Union Act for which criminal prosecution is provided, such official shall give the information relative to the violation to the appropriate federal, state or local law enforcement officer […]