If the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services has reason to believe that a person has violated any provision of the Oregon Credit Union Act for which criminal prosecution is provided, the director shall give the information relative to the violation to the federal, state or local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction […]
The Attorney General shall conduct all actions begun by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services under authority of the Oregon Credit Union Act, and may require the assistance of the district attorney of the district in which the action is conducted. [1975 c.652 §82]
(1) No credit union officer, director, employee or agent, shall willfully: (a) With intent to deceive, falsify any book of account, report, statement, record or other document of a credit union whether by alteration, false entry, omission or otherwise. (b) Sign, issue, publish or transmit to a governmental office any book of account, report, statement, […]
A person may not knowingly give or cause to be given to the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services any document or any oral or written statement or report that is false in any material respect, in the course of any investigation or examination by the director under this chapter. [1987 c.215 […]
(1) The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may issue and serve upon a credit union or a director, officer, committee member, employee or agent of a credit union an order to cease and desist from a practice or a violation as follows: (a) The director may issue an order to cease […]
[1975 c.544 §57; 1981 c.192 §42; 1985 c.762 §104; 1987 c.215 §9; 1987 c.373 §65; 1991 c.734 §97; renumbered 723.995 in 1995]
A credit union may not contract for any of the services described in this section to be performed for the credit union unless both the credit union and the person performing the services agree to be subject to regulation and examination by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services to the same […]
The provisions of the Oregon Credit Union Act shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by the laws and Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Oregon, to all existing credit unions organized under any general Act of this state. [1975 c.652 §85]
(1) The Oregon Credit Union Act may be amended, repealed or modified, but such amendment, repeal or modification shall not take away or impair any remedy for any liability which shall have been previously incurred. (2) The repeal of a previous law by section 88, chapter 652, Oregon Laws 1975, shall not affect any right […]
(1) A person is not personally liable for an act or omission the person does or fails to do in good faith and in compliance with a statute, rule or order of the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services under this chapter regardless of whether the statute, rule or order is later […]
(1) This section applies to the safe deposit box of any person who is the sole lessee or last surviving lessee of the box and who has died. (2) Subject to ORS 114.537, upon being furnished with a certified copy of the decedent’s death record or other evidence of death satisfactory to the credit union, […]