A payday loan lender may not: (1) Make or renew a payday loan at a rate of interest that exceeds 36 percent per annum, excluding a one-time origination fee that the payday loan lender may charge for the loan. (2) Charge during the term of a payday loan, including all renewals of the loan, more […]
(1) A person who claims to be aggrieved by a practice that violates a provision of ORS 725A.020, 725A.060, 725A.062 or 725A.064 or a rule adopted under ORS 725A.092 that regulates a licensee or a person required under ORS 725A.020 to obtain a license may, not later than one year after the date of the […]
(1) If the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services has reasonable cause to believe that a person violated, is violating or is about to violate a provision of ORS 725A.010 to 725A.092 and 725A.990 or a rule the director adopted or an order the director issued under ORS 725A.010 to 725A.092 and […]
(1) If the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services finds that an officer or director of a licensee is dishonest, reckless or incompetent or refuses to comply with the law, with a rule the Department of Consumer and Business Services adopted or with a written requirement or instruction the department imposed or […]
A person is not personally liable for an act the person does or fails to do in good faith and in compliance with a rule or order the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services adopted or issued under ORS 725A.010 to 725A.092 and 725A.990, even if the director amends or rescinds the […]
(1)(a) The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, by contract with a vendor or service provider or otherwise, may develop and implement a system by means of which a licensee may: (A) Determine whether a consumer has an outstanding loan; (B) Determine the number of loans the consumer has outstanding; (C) Determine […]
(1) The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, in accordance with ORS chapter 183, may adopt rules for the purposes of protecting borrowers and consumers, providing clarity to licensees and otherwise carrying out and enforcing the provisions of ORS 725A.010 to 725A.092 and 725A.990. The rules may include, but are not limited […]