As used in ORS 744.700 to 744.740: (1) “Affiliate” of, or person “affiliated” with, a specific person means any person who directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by, or is under common control with, a specified person. (2) “Control” has the meaning given that term in ORS 732.548. (3) […]
(1) Subject to ORS 744.704, a person shall not transact business or purport or offer to transact business as a third party administrator in this state unless the person holds a third party administrator license issued by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services. (2) For purposes of ORS 744.700 to 744.740, […]
(1) The following persons are exempt from the licensing requirement for third party administrators in ORS 744.702 and from all other provisions of ORS 744.700 to 744.740 applicable to third party administrators: (a) A person licensed under ORS 744.521 to engage in business as an adjuster, whose activities are limited to adjustment of claims and […]
(1) In order to obtain a license to transact business as a third party administrator, an applicant shall apply for the license on a form prescribed by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, with payment of any fee required for the application. (2) The director may request biographical, organizational, locational, financial, […]
Upon request from a third party administrator, the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may waive requirements established pursuant to ORS 744.706 for information to be included in or with the application if the third party administrator has a valid license or other document of authority as a third party administrator issued […]
(1) If the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services determines that an applicant has satisfied all requirements for a license as a third party administrator, the director shall issue the license to the applicant. The director shall not issue a license if the director determines that the third party administrator, or any […]
(1) A license of a third party administrator expires on its expiration date unless it is renewed on or before its expiration date. (2) Unless the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services designates another date, a license expires on the last day of the month in which the second anniversary of the […]
A person who is exempt from the requirement of a license as a third party administrator under ORS 744.704 because the person acts solely as an administrator of one or more bona fide employee benefit plans established by an employer or an employee organization, or both, for which the Insurance Code is preempted pursuant to […]
A third party administrator shall immediately notify the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services of any material change in ownership or control or in any other matter affecting the qualification of the third party administrator for a license as a third party administrator in this state. [1991 c.812 §10]
(1) The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services shall suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a license of a third party administrator if the director finds that the third party administrator: (a) Is in an unsound financial condition; (b) Is using such methods or practices in the conduct of business so as […]
(1) A third party administrator licensed under ORS 744.702 may transact business as a third party administrator only pursuant to a written agreement between the third party administrator and the insurer. The agreement shall contain all provisions required by this section. However, any provision that does not apply to the functions to be performed by […]
(1) When an insurer uses the services of a third party administrator: (a) Payment to the third party administrator of any premiums or charges for insurance by or on behalf of the insured party shall be considered to have been received by the insurer. (b) Payment of return premiums or claim payments forwarded by the […]
(1) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, a third party administrator shall maintain and make available to the insurer complete books and records of each transaction performed on behalf of the insurer. The books and records shall be maintained in accordance with prudent standards of insurance recordkeeping and must be maintained for […]
(1) A third party administrator must maintain with the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services at all times a current certificate of errors and omissions insurance, in an amount established by the director by rule, from an insurer authorized to transact insurance in this state or from any other insurer acceptable to […]
A third party administrator may use only such advertising pertaining to the business underwritten by an insurer that the insurer has approved in advance of its use. [1991 c.812 §16]
(1) A third party administrator shall hold in a fiduciary capacity all insurance charges or premiums collected by the third party administrator on behalf of or for an insurer, and all return premiums received from the insurer. The third party administrator shall immediately remit all charges, premiums or return premiums to the person entitled to […]
(1) A third party administrator shall not enter into any agreement or understanding with an insurer the effect of which is to make the amount of the third party administrator’s commissions, fees or charges contingent upon savings effected in the adjustment, settlement and payment of losses covered by the obligations of the insurer. (2) This […]
(1) When an insurer uses the services of a third party administrator, the third party administrator shall provide to covered individuals a written notice approved by the insurer that advises them of the identity of and relationship among the third party administrator, the policyholder and the insurer. (2) When a third party administrator collects funds, […]
When the third party administrator receives policies, certificates, booklets, termination notices or other written communications from the insurer for delivery to insured parties or covered individuals, the third party administrator shall promptly make the delivery after receiving instructions from the insurer. [1991 c.812 §20]
(1) Each third party administrator shall file an annual report for the preceding calendar year with the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services on or before March 1 of each year, or within such extension of time therefor as the director may grant. The report shall be in the form and contain […]