As used in ORS 744.850 to 744.858: (1) “Limited license” means a license issued under ORS 744.852 that authorizes a rental company to offer or sell insurance as provided in ORS 744.854. (2) “Rental agreement” means a written agreement setting forth the terms and conditions governing use of a vehicle provided by a rental company […]
(1) The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services shall adopt rules to specify information that rental companies must submit in applying for a limited license. (2) A rental company that intends to offer insurance as described in ORS 744.854 shall file a limited license application with the director in such form and […]
A limited license issued under ORS 744.852 authorizes a rental company to offer and sell the following kinds of insurance in connection with the rental of vehicles: (1) Personal accident insurance covering the risks of travel, including but not limited to accident and health insurance that provides coverage to renters and other occupants of the […]
(1) A rental company that obtains a limited license under ORS 744.852 may not offer or sell insurance pursuant to ORS 744.854 unless: (a) The rental agreement is for a period of 90 consecutive days or less. (b) At every location where rental agreements are executed, written material is available to prospective renters that: (A) […]
(1) If a rental company issued a limited license under ORS 744.852 offers or sells insurance not authorized by ORS 744.854, or violates any provision of ORS 744.856, the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services may, after notice and hearing, revoke or suspend the limited license or may impose such other penalties […]