(1) Any person may file a complaint before the Public Utility Commission, or the commission may, on the commission’s own initiative, file such complaint. The complaint shall be against any person whose business or activities are regulated by some one or more of the statutes, jurisdiction for the enforcement or regulation of which is conferred […]
[Amended by 1971 c.655 §40; renumbered 756.518]
(1) The Public Utility Commission shall serve a copy of the complaint upon the defendant, and shall give the defendant at least 10 days within which to respond to the complaint. Within the time so fixed, or such further time as the commission shall fix, the defendant shall file an answer to the complaint, taking […]
(1) Whenever the Public Utility Commission believes that any rate may be unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory, or that any service is unsafe or inadequate, or is not afforded, or that an investigation of any matter relating to any public utility or telecommunications utility or other person should be made, or relating to any person to […]