As used in ORS 757.732 to 757.744: (1) “Agreement in principle” means the agreement signed November 13, 2008, by the states of Oregon and California, by the United States Department of the Interior and by PacifiCorp. (2) “Allocated share” means the portion of PacifiCorp’s costs assigned to this state under the interjurisdictional cost allocation methodology […]
(1) Not more than six months after the execution of a final agreement, the Public Utility Commission shall determine a depreciation schedule under ORS 757.140 for each Klamath River dam based on the assumption that the dam will be removed in 2020. The commission may change a depreciation schedule determined under this section at any […]
(1) Not more than 30 days after the execution of a final agreement, PacifiCorp must file a copy of the final agreement with the Public Utility Commission along with full and complete copies of all analyses or studies that relate to the rate-related costs, benefits and risks for customers of removing or relicensing Klamath River […]
(1)(a) The Public Utility Commission shall establish a separate trust account for amounts generated by each of the two surcharges imposed under ORS 757.736. The commission shall establish the trust accounts as interest-bearing accounts: (A) With an agency of the United States identified in the final agreement; (B) In a qualified depository under ORS 295.001 […]
Pursuant to ORS 757.210, the Public Utility Commission shall allow PacifiCorp to include in its rates and tariffs this state’s allocated share of any costs that are prudently incurred by PacifiCorp from changes in operation of Klamath River dams before removal of the dams, or that are prudently incurred for replacement power after the dams […]
(1) The State of Oregon may enter into an agreement with representatives of the State of California, either as part of a final agreement or by separate agreement, that establishes each state’s share of the customer contribution of $200 million identified in the agreement in principle. (2) The Public Utility Commission may enter into an […]
(1) ORS 757.732 to 757.744 do not authorize the expenditure of any public moneys for removal of Klamath River dams. (2) ORS 757.732 to 757.744 do not create a cause of action against the State of Oregon or against any of the officers, employees or agents of the state and may not be used as […]