(1) Every public utility shall file with the Public Utility Commission, within a time to be fixed by the commission, schedules which shall be open to public inspection, showing all rates, tolls and charges which it has established and which are in force at the time for any service performed by it within the state, […]
(1)(a) Whenever any public utility files with the Public Utility Commission any rate or schedule of rates stating or establishing a new rate or schedule of rates or increasing an existing rate or schedule of rates, the commission may, either upon written complaint or upon the commission’s own initiative, after reasonable notice, conduct a hearing […]
(1) For purposes of this section: (a) “Resource rate plan” means a plan by a public utility to construct a generating plant or to enter into a wholesale power purchase or sales agreement with a term that is longer than one year. (b) “Site” means: (A) Buildings or other related structures that are interconnected by […]
(1) The Public Utility Commission may, pending such investigation and determination, order the suspension of the rate or schedule of rates, provided the initial period of suspension shall not extend more than six months beyond the time when such rate or schedule would otherwise go into effect. If the commission finds that the investigation will […]
No change shall be made in any schedule, including schedules of joint rates, except upon 30 days’ notice to the Public Utility Commission. All changes shall be plainly indicated upon existing schedules, or by filing new schedules in lieu thereof 30 days prior to the time they are to take effect. However, the commission, for […]
No public utility shall charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less compensation for any service performed by it within the state, or for any service in connection therewith, than is specified in printed rate schedules as may at the time be in force, or demand, collect or receive any rate not specified in […]
(1) As used in this section, “electric company” has the meaning given that term in ORS 757.600. (2) The Public Utility Commission shall require that an electric company mitigate a rate increase payable by a class of customers described in subsection (5) of this section if: (a) The increase results from a transition to an […]
(1) The Public Utility Commission shall provide for a comprehensive classification of service for each public utility, and such classification may take into account the quantity used, the time when used, the purpose for which used, the existence of price competition or a service alternative, the services being provided, the conditions of service, differential energy […]
(1) A copy of so much of all schedules, including schedules of joint rates and charges, as the Public Utility Commission deems necessary for the use of the public shall be printed in plain type and kept on file in every business office of such public utility, open to the public, and in such form […]
(1) A public utility may establish reasonable through service and joint rates and classifications with other public utilities. Public utilities establishing joint rates shall establish just and reasonable regulations and practices in connection therewith and just, reasonable and equitable divisions thereof as between the public utilities participating therein, which shall not unduly prefer or prejudice […]
(1) The Public Utility Commission may authorize a public utility, upon application of the utility, to file and place into effect a tariff schedule establishing rates or charges for the cost of energy resource measures provided to an individual property owner or customer pursuant to an agreement entered into between the individual property owner or […]
(1) The Public Utility Commission shall ascertain and prescribe for each kind of public utility suitable and convenient standard commercial units of service. These shall be lawful units for the purposes of this chapter. (2) The commission shall ascertain and fix adequate and serviceable standards for the measurement of quality, pressure, initial voltage or other […]
(1) The Public Utility Commission may provide for the examination and testing of any and all appliances used for the measuring of any service of a public utility, and may provide by rule that no such appliance shall be installed and used for the measuring of any service of any public utility until it has […]
(1) In addition to powers otherwise vested in the Public Utility Commission, and subject to the limitations contained in this section, under amortization schedules set by the commission, a rate or rate schedule: (a) May reflect: (A) Amounts lawfully imposed retroactively by order of another governmental agency; or (B) Amounts deferred under subsection (2) of […]
[Amended by 1971 c.655 §18; renumbered 756.075]
(1) The Public Utility Commission, by rule, may adopt policies designed to encourage the acquisition of cost-effective conservation resources and small-scale, renewable-fuel electric generating resources. (2) In furtherance of the policies adopted pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, and in such manner as the commission considers proper, the commission may authorize periodic rate adjustments […]
Each public utility that makes sales of electricity shall forecast on an annual basis the projected state and federal production tax credits received by the public utility due to variable renewable electricity production, and the Public Utility Commission shall allow those forecasts to be included in rates through any variable power cost forecasting process established […]
The Public Utility Commission of Oregon may allow a rate or rate schedule of a public utility to reflect amounts for small scale programs that enable the utility to gain experience with tree planting on underproducing forestland, as defined by the State Forestry Department, as an offset to carbon dioxide emissions. [1993 c.286 §1] Note: […]
(1) When establishing schedules and rates under ORS 757.210 for an electricity or natural gas utility, the Public Utility Commission shall act to balance the interests of the customers of the utility and the utility’s investors by setting fair, just and reasonable rates that include amounts for income taxes. Subject to subsections (2) and (3) […]