As used in ORS 758.300 to 758.320: (1) “Commission” means the Public Utility Commission. (2) “Community water supply system” means a water source and distribution system, whether publicly or privately owned, that serves more than three residences or other users to whom water is provided for public consumption, including but not limited to schools, farm […]
(1) A water utility may apply to the Public Utility Commission for an order designating an exclusive service territory for the water utility. The commission may designate as an exclusive service territory any area that on the date of application is being served in an adequate manner by the applicant and is not being served […]
(1) Designated service territories of a water utility approved by the Public Utility Commission shall be exclusive. A water utility or community water supply system shall not provide water utility service within the designated exclusive service territory of another water utility without the express approval of the commission. (2) A water utility shall serve only […]
(1) The rights acquired by the designation of an exclusive service territory may be assigned or transferred only with the approval of the Public Utility Commission after a finding that the assignment or transfer is in the public interest. However, a hearing is not required if at least 75 percent of the affected customers agree […]
In the event a designated exclusive service territory is served by a person not authorized by the Public Utility Commission, the commission or the water utility designated by the commission to serve the area may file an action for injunctive relief in the circuit court for any county where some or all of the designated […]
(1) The provisions of ORS 758.300 to 758.320 shall not be construed to restrict the powers granted to cities to issue franchises or to restrict the powers of condemnation of a municipality. (2) The provisions of ORS 758.300 to 758.320 shall not be construed to restrict the formation of homeowners associations pursuant to ORS chapter […]