As used in this chapter, except as otherwise specifically provided or unless the context requires otherwise: (1) “Board” means the Citizens’ Utility Board of Governors. (2) “Consumer” or “utility consumer” means any natural person 18 years of age or older who is a resident of the State of Oregon. (3) “District” means an electoral district […]
The people of the State of Oregon hereby find that utility consumers need an effective advocate to assure that public policies affecting the quality and price of utility services reflect their needs and interests, that utility consumers have the right to form an organization which will represent their interests before legislative, administrative and judicial bodies, […]
(1) The Citizens’ Utility Board is hereby created as an independent nonprofit public corporation and is authorized to carry out the provisions of this chapter. (2) The Citizens’ Utility Board has perpetual succession and it may sue and be sued, and may in its own name purchase and dispose of any interest in real and […]
(1) All consumers are eligible for membership in the Citizens’ Utility Board. A consumer shall become a member of the Citizens’ Utility Board upon contribution of at least $5 but not more than $100 per year to the Citizens’ Utility Board. Each member shall be entitled to cast one vote for the election of the […]
The Citizens’ Utility Board of Governors shall manage the affairs of the Citizens’ Utility Board. The board may delegate to an executive committee composed of not fewer than five members of the board the authority as would be allowed by ORS 65.354. [1985 c.1 §4; 1989 c.1010 §180]
(1) The Citizens’ Utility Board of Governors shall be composed of three persons elected from each congressional district of this state by a majority of the votes cast by members residing in that district. The election shall be conducted by mail ballot in such manner as the Citizens’ Utility Board of Governors may prescribe. (2) […]
All meetings of the Citizens’ Utility Board of Governors shall be open to the public, except under the same circumstances in which a public agency would be allowed to hold executive meetings under ORS 192.660. [1985 c.1 §8]
(1) Upon request by the Citizens’ Utility Board pursuant to this section, each utility shall include in billings to a utility consumer materials prepared and furnished by the Citizens’ Utility Board, not exceeding in folded size the dimensions of the envelope customarily used by such utility to send billings to its customers. (2) The Citizens’ […]
(1) The Citizens’ Utility Board shall not be required to pay any postage charges for materials submitted by the Citizens’ Utility Board for inclusion in a utility billing if such materials weigh four-tenths of one ounce avoirdupois or less. If the materials submitted weigh over four-tenths of one ounce avoirdupois, then the Citizens’ Utility Board […]
(1) No utility, nor any of its employees, officers, members of the board of directors, agents, contractors or assignees, shall in any manner interfere with, delay, alter or otherwise discourage the distribution of any material or statement authorized by the provisions of this chapter for inclusion in periodic utility billings, nor in any manner interfere […]
Citizens’ Utility Board may submit to the appropriate agency any complaint it receives regarding a utility company. Public agencies shall periodically inform Citizens’ Utility Board of any action taken on complaints received pursuant to this section. [1985 c.1 §13]
Notwithstanding any other provision of law: (1) Whenever the board determines that any agency proceeding may affect the interests of utility consumers, Citizens’ Utility Board may intervene as of right as an interested party or otherwise participate in the proceeding. (2) Citizens’ Utility Board shall have standing to obtain judicial or administrative review of any […]
(1) ORS 279.835 to 279.855 and 283.085 to 283.092 and ORS chapters 278, 279A, 279B, 279C, 282, 283, 291, 292, 293, 295 and 297 do not apply to Citizens’ Utility Board or to the administration and enforcement of this chapter. An employee of Citizens’ Utility Board is not considered an “employee” as the term is […]
(1) Any utility, and any of its employees, officers, members of the board of directors, agents, contractors or assignees which does, or causes or permits to be done, any matter, act or other thing prohibited by this chapter, or omits to do any act, matter or other thing required to be done by this chapter, […]
If any section, portion, clause or phrase of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional the remaining sections, portions, clauses and phrases shall not be affected but shall remain in full force or effect, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are severable. [1985 c.1 §18]
Willful violation of ORS 774.120 (1) or (5) or 774.140 is a Class A misdemeanor. [1985 c.1 §17]