US Lawyer Database

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Section 836.200 – Authority to establish airports.

All municipalities of this state, separately or jointly or in cooperation with the federal government or state, may acquire, establish, construct, expand or lease, control, equip, improve, maintain, operate, police and regulate airports for the use of aircraft, either within this state or within any adjoining state, and may use for such purposes any available […]

Section 836.215 – Municipal acquisition of property for airports.

Private property, or any interest therein of whatever kind, and an easement for the operation of aircraft and all operations incidental thereto, to and from the property for the purposes specified in ORS 836.200, may be acquired by any municipality, by gift, grant, purchase, lease or contract, if the municipality is able to agree with […]

Section 836.220 – Source of airport funds.

The purchase price or compensation for real or other property acquired in accordance with ORS 836.215 and the cost and expenses for the development, improvement, maintenance and operation of airports, may be paid for by appropriation of moneys available; or entirely or in part from the proceeds of the sale of bonds of the municipality, […]

Section 836.230 – Use of funds from operation.

The officials of any municipality acquiring, establishing, developing, operating, maintaining or controlling an airport under authority of ORS 836.200 may use for such purposes funds derived from operation of the airport. [Formerly 492.360]

Section 836.250 – Acquisition by municipality of real property contiguous to airport; subsequent use or disposition; financing acquisition or use.

(1) In addition to the authority conferred upon them by any other law, any municipality of this state acquiring, establishing, developing, operating, maintaining or controlling an airport under ORS 836.200 to 836.245, may acquire real property, or any interest therein of whatever kind, contiguous to the airport by gift, grant, purchase, lease or contract for […]