§ 11-11-201. Short Title
This part shall be known and may be cited as the “Tennessee Adventure Tourism and Rural Development Act of 2011.”
This part shall be known and may be cited as the “Tennessee Adventure Tourism and Rural Development Act of 2011.”
The department of economic and community development, in cooperation with the department of environment and conservation, is directed to study and develop a plan for the promotion and development of adventure tourism and other recreational and economic development activities in rural areas of this state. Such study and plan shall be developed within existing departmental […]
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires: “Adventure tourism” means outdoor recreational opportunities such as equine and motorized trail riding, white water rafting and kayaking, rappelling, road biking, rock climbing, hang-gliding, spelunking, shooting sports, mountain biking, canoeing, paragliding, rowing, zip lining and other such activities; “Adventure tourism district” means a defined geographic […]
A local governing body may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote authorize the creation of a district within the boundaries of such governing body as an adventure tourism district by developing an adventure tourism district plan. Alternatively, one (1) or more counties or one (1) or more municipalities may enter into an intergovernmental agreement pursuant to […]
Unless an adventure tourism professional or business acts intentionally or with gross negligence or is in violation of this part, or any other laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules or regulations pertaining to adventure tourism, which intentional or grossly negligent act or omission or violation is causal of the injury complained of, no action shall lie against […]
The department of environment and conservation and the department of tourist development may work together to provide assistance as deemed appropriate by the departments to encourage the development of adventure tourism within those regions of the state designated as suitable for such activities and where persistent high unemployment exists.