The general assembly finds that the state of Tennessee and its subdivisions should enjoy the benefits of private, local and federal assistance programs for the planning and development of the outdoor recreation resources of the state, including the acquisition of lands and waters and interests therein. It is the purpose of this part to provide […]
The commissioner of environment and conservation, in cooperation with the state planning office and other state, federal, local and private agencies, is authorized to prepare, maintain and keep up to date a comprehensive plan for the development of the outdoor recreation resources of the state, to develop, operate and maintain outdoor recreation areas and facilities […]
The commissioner of environment and conservation, with the approval of the governor, may select, and by purchase, gift or lease, acquire and make a part of the park system any new area which in the commissioner’s judgment should be developed as a state park, or recreation area.
The commissioner of environment and conservation may apply to any appropriate agency or officer of the United States for participation in or the receipt of aid from any federal programs respecting outdoor recreation. The commissioner may enter into contracts and agreements with the United States or any appropriate agency thereof, keep financial and other records […]
The commissioner of environment and conservation may receive local and private funds for the purpose of carrying out this part.
The commissioner of environment and conservation shall make no commitment or enter into any agreement pursuant to an exercise of authority under this part until the commissioner has determined that sufficient funds are available to the commissioner for meeting the state’s share, if any, of project costs. It is the legislative intent that, to such […]
Any federal, local or private funds which may be received under this part shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to an account for the purpose of carrying out this part. The funds in this account, unless otherwise directed by federal law, shall be disbursed in the usual manner as state funds. All […]
There is created in the department of environment and conservation a technical advisory service to assist county and municipal governments in the establishment and operation of parks and recreation programs by providing technical and other advice. The source of funding for this service is hereby specified as being the administrative funds apportioned to the department […]