Before April 1 of each year, each state agency shall compile and submit to the chief procurement officer and the comptroller of the treasury, a written acquisition plan for the upcoming fiscal year forecasting the specific categories and quantities of goods and services anticipated for purchase by the state agency. The chief procurement officer shall […]
Any statement or agreement in which the respondent is asked to indicate a willingness to meet the low price, if such respondent is not the low respondent, is adverse to the competitive procurement standards and shall not be included in any solicitation to be awarded by any state agencies. This section applies to divisible contracts. […]
Any contract for goods or services entered into by an executive branch state agency shall be executed by the head of such state agency and approved by the chief procurement officer. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, approval of the chief procurement officer and no other officer of the state government is necessary, except […]
When any state agency required by this chapter to purchase goods or services through the central procurement office, contracts for the purchase of goods or services contrary to this chapter or the rules and regulations made hereunder, such contract shall be void and of no effect. When the central procurement office contracts for the purchase […]
The central procurement office or the procuring state governmental entity shall be responsible for the effective management of all contracts procured under its authority and shall adopt regulations or policies that define service contracting fundamentals. Such regulations or policies shall include, but are not limited to, contract management and monitoring of vendors, grants and sub-recipient […]
A state governmental entity shall not contract to acquire goods or services, and no person may contract to supply goods or services to a state governmental entity, unless, prior to, or contemporaneous with, entering into the contract, the person contracting to supply goods or services and its affiliates register with the department of revenue to […]
Contracting state agencies that establish the procedural and administrative accountability requirements shall apply these requirements to all matching funds. The established procedural and administrative requirements shall remain in effect for the entire fiscal year covered by the third party contract, and no contracting agency shall modify or amend these procedures without the state agency’s approval.
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, state and local governments shall contract for goods and services provided through, or administered by, the departments of children’s services, health, and human services without discrimination against religious organizations or discrimination based on race, age, color, sex, or national origin and shall provide beneficiaries of assistance under the […]
Prohibited contracts: No state governmental entity shall contract to acquire goods or services from any person who knowingly utilizes the services of illegal immigrants in the performance of a contract for goods or services entered into with a state governmental entity; No person may contract to supply goods or services to a state governmental entity […]
As used in this section, “call center” includes a person who performs services, including, but not limited to, data entry services, electronic governmental transfers, or other electronic, telephone and telecommunication services. The chief procurement officer shall promulgate regulations pursuant to title 4, chapter 56, authorizing a preference in the evaluation of proposals for state contracts […]
All noncompetitive purchases and contracts entered into by the department of transportation for nonconstruction and nonengineering projects or services with a term of more than one (1) year or which are renewable by either party that would extend the contract beyond twelve (12) months and which have a cumulative value of not less than two […]
As used in this section, “state agency” also includes institutions of higher education. “State agency” does not include the department of treasury, the Tennessee financial literacy commission, the Tennessee consolidated retirement system, or any office of a constitutional officer of this state. Prior to the procurement of a contract for services between a state agency […]