The county election commission shall meet at its office upon completion of its duties under § 2-8-104, but no later than the third Monday after the election to compare the returns on the tally sheets, to certify the results as shown by the returns in writing signed by at least the majority of them, and […]
If the returns from any polling place have not been delivered to the county election commission by the first day after an election, the commission shall employ either a special messenger, a member of its staff or a member of the commission to obtain the missing returns.
No return, poll list, or certificate made under this title may be disregarded or rejected for want of form or on account of its not being strictly in accordance with the requirements of this title if it can be clearly understood. Any such return or certificate signed by a majority of the election officials at […]
The commission, or such persons as it may designate, shall, as soon as possible after the election, compare the votes from the tally tapes of all appropriate sources to the tabulated election results. All candidates, their representatives, representatives of the political parties, and representatives of the press may be present during this process and shall […]
After completing the comparison of the returns, the county election commission shall make and certify the official tabulation and certification of results, showing both precinct and county totals, in the following manner: In triplicate for the offices of governor, members of the general assembly, presidential and vice presidential elector, members of congress, judge, chancellor, or […]
The commission shall seal and mail the original of the official tabulation and certification of results prepared pursuant to § 2-8-105(1) and (2) to the secretary of state and take the postmaster’s receipt for it and shall mail the first copy to the governor and take the postmaster’s receipt for it. The remaining copy shall […]
The commission shall seal and forward all pollbooks containing the original poll list sheets to the secretary of state within ten (10) days after the election to be stored by the secretary of state for nine (9) years, and shall deposit the pollbooks containing the duplicate poll list sheets in the office of the county […]
The commission shall preserve all paper ballots for six (6) months after the election to which they were cast or offered to be cast and may then dispose of them. During the period in which they are preserved, the packages of ballots shall be kept securely locked and may be opened and the ballots examined […]
The secretary of state may employ a special messenger to bring the returns filed with the county clerk if those sent by mail fail to arrive. The expenses of the messenger shall be paid out of the state treasury.
The governor, secretary of state and attorney general and reporter shall, as soon as the returns are received, publicly calculate and compare the votes received by each person for the office of member of the general assembly, presidential and vice presidential elector, member of congress, judge, chancellor, or district attorney general, and declare the person […]
If there is a tie vote between the two (2) or more persons having the highest number of votes for an office, the state election commission shall cast the deciding vote except that: The county legislative body may cast the deciding vote for offices filled by the votes of a single county or civil district, […]
The general assembly may, if it becomes necessary, send a special messenger for the copy of the returns of any particular county deposited with the county clerk. The expenses of the messenger shall be paid out of the state treasury.
On the fourth Thursday after a primary election, the state coordinator of elections shall publicly calculate and compare the votes received by each person and declare who has been nominated for office in the primary or elected to the state executive committee. The candidates who receive the highest number of votes shall be declared elected […]
If the coordinator of elections determines that there is a tie between the two (2) or more candidates for an office who have the highest number of votes, the tie shall be broken as prescribed in the rules of the political party.
The coordinator of elections shall certify the names of the nominees of political parties to the county election commission of each county in which the nominees are candidates by the qualifying deadlines set in § 2-5-101.
Each candidate has the right to have delivered to the candidate by the state election commission or the county election commission certified copies of all poll lists and tally sheets used in the counties in which the candidate ran, upon demand and payment of the regular legal fees.