All contracts founded, in whole or in part, on a gambling or wagering consideration, shall be void to the extent of such consideration. Code 1858, § 1769 (deriv. Acts 1799, ch. 8, § 1); Shan., § 3159; Code 1932, § 7812; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 23-1701.
No money, or property of any kind, won by any species or mode of gambling, shall be recovered by action. Code 1858, § 1770 (deriv. Acts 1801, ch. 38, § 1); Shan., § 3160; Code 1932, § 7813; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 23-1702.
Any person who institutes an action for money or property, claimed under a contract founded on a gambling consideration, shall forfeit one hundred dollars ($100), recoverable in any court having cognizance; one half (½) to the person who shall sue therefor, the other one half (½) to the county in which action is brought. Code […]
Any person who has paid any money, or delivered anything of value, lost upon any game or wager, may recover such money, thing, or its value, by action commenced within ninety (90) days from the time of such payment or delivery. Code 1858, § 1771 (deriv. Acts 1799, ch. 8, § 4); Shan., § 3161; […]
Any other person may, after the expiration of the ninety (90) days, and within twelve (12) months thereafter, recover the amount of such money, thing, or its value, by action for the use of the spouse; or, if no spouse, the child or children; and, if no child or children, the next of kin of […]
After the expiration of the time prescribed in § 29-19-105, and within twelve (12) months thereafter, any creditor of such losing party may, by garnishment or action, recover the amount of such money, thing, or its value, in satisfaction of so much of the creditor’s debt. Code 1858, § 1773; Shan., § 3163; Code 1932, […]