§ 49-5-301. Nonteachers Eligible for Public Office
Notwithstanding any law except §§ 8-23-201 and 49-2-203 to the contrary, noninstructional personnel employed by any public school in this state shall be eligible to run for public office.
Notwithstanding any law except §§ 8-23-201 and 49-2-203 to the contrary, noninstructional personnel employed by any public school in this state shall be eligible to run for public office.
A school counselor or school teacher is responsible solely for providing counseling and guidance to students at the school or schools at which the counselor is employed. If a counselor is employed as such on a less than full-time basis, those hours devoted to guidance and counseling shall be specified and adhered to closely. A […]
If any statute creating a state board, commission or committee specifies or authorizes an employee of an LEA to serve as a member, then the employee shall be eligible to serve on the state board, commission or committee without the loss of compensation, annual leave, sick leave, compensatory time or any other benefit accorded to […]