As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires: “Abstinence” means not participating in any activity that puts an individual at risk for pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease; “Abstinence-based” or “abstinence-centered” means an approach that promotes sexual risk avoidance, or primary prevention, and teaches vital life skills that empower youth to identify healthy […]
Beginning with the 1991-1992 school year, if the most recent, annual data maintained by the department of health, state center for health statistics, indicate that pregnancy rates in any county exceeded nineteen and five-tenths (19.5) pregnancies per one thousand (1,000) females fifteen (15) through seventeen (17) years of age, then every LEA within the county […]
Nothing in this part shall prohibit an LEA from utilizing the services of a qualified healthcare professional or social worker to assist in teaching family life. An LEA shall not utilize the services of any individual or organization to assist in teaching family life if that individual or organization endorses student nonabstinence as an appropriate […]
A family life curriculum shall, to the extent that the topic and the manner of communication is age-appropriate: Emphatically promote only sexual risk avoidance through abstinence, regardless of a student’s current or prior sexual experience; Encourage sexual health by helping students understand how sexual activity affects the whole person including the physical, social, emotional, psychological, […]
Not less than thirty (30) days prior to commencing instruction of the family life curriculum, each LEA shall notify parents or legal guardians of students whom the LEA anticipates will be present for instruction in sex education that: The LEA is using a family life curriculum that meets the requirements of state law; and The […]
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a parent or legal guardian of a student enrolled in family life may file a complaint with the director of schools if the parent or legal guardian believes that a teacher, instructor, or representative of an organization has not complied with the requirements of this part. The director […]
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, and regardless of the title or designated name of a particular class or course, any instruction in sex education or sexual activity shall comply with the requirements of this part; provided, however, that nothing in this part shall be construed so as to prohibit the scientific study of […]