§ 49-9-1201. Endowment Funds Established
There are established special district 4-H endowment funds in the Tennessee 4-H Club Foundation at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture.
There are established special district 4-H endowment funds in the Tennessee 4-H Club Foundation at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture.
The state shall match the funds raised by each 4-H district up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) as money in the endowment fund becomes available through the general appropriations act or grants. No district may receive matching funds totaling more than one-sixth (1/6) of the amount of money in the endowment fund during any […]
Interest accruing on investments of the funds deposited to the credit of each 4-H district in the respective special endowment funds shall be used for the sole purpose of promoting 4-H projects in the district.