Every person, firm, corporation, joint-stock company, syndicate or association in this state storing, selling, distributing, or manufacturing such beer or other beverages as are described in this chapter shall pay a special privilege tax, in addition to all other taxes, in an amount equal to four dollars and twenty-nine cents ($4.29) per barrel of thirty-one […]
The supervision and collection of the tax imposed in § 57-5-201 is under the direction of the commissioner of revenue. The commissioner shall expend so much of four percent (4%) of the amount received thereunder each year as may be necessary to defray the expenses including clerical and mechanical help and transportation arising out of […]
The tax imposed in §57-5-201 shall be paid to the department of revenue on or before the twentieth day of the month following the month in which it accrues.
If any such person shall at any time make default in the payment of the state privilege taxes levied under provisions hereof, the commissioner shall send by registered mail, with return receipt requested, written notice and demand for payment of such delinquent tax, showing the amount thereof due and unpaid, to the surety or sureties […]
The state privilege tax collected under §§57-5-201 —57-5-204 shall be paid into the state treasury and shall be divided as follows: From the proceeds of the amount so collected, ten and five hundredths percent (10.05%) shall be paid to the several counties equally to be used by them for general purposes, ten and five hundredths […]
Every person, firm, corporation, joint-stock company, syndicate or association in this state engaged in the storage, sale, distribution by sale or gift and/or manufacture in this state of such beer and/or other beverage shall keep invoices and all other memoranda fully descriptive thereof, and shall permit the commissioner or the commissioner’s authorized agents, representatives or […]
The failure of any person, firm, corporation, joint-stock company, syndicate or association required to pay the state privilege taxes levied hereby, to preserve the invoices or memoranda required by § 57-5-206, or to permit the inspection and examination of such containers, packages, or articles used as the measure of the tax, and/or invoices, books, papers […]
The state tax on beer and ale shall not be applicable to beer and ale sold for consumption within the geographical boundaries of a fort, base, camp or post of the armed forces of the United States, post exchanges, ship service stores, commissaries and messes operated by the United States armed forces. The exemption of […]