§ 6-21-401. City Recorder — Appointment
The city manager shall appoint a city recorder, who also may be appointed to the positions of finance director or treasurer or both.
The city manager shall appoint a city recorder, who also may be appointed to the positions of finance director or treasurer or both.
In the event of the temporary absence or disability of the recorder, the city manager may appoint a recorder pro tempore.
It is the duty of the recorder to be present at all meetings of the board of commissioners, and to keep a full and accurate record of all business transacted by the same, to be preserved in permanent book form.
The recorder shall have custody of, and preserve in the recorder’s office, the city seal, the public records, original rolls of ordinance, ordinance books, minutes of the board of commissioners, contracts, bonds, title deeds, certificates, and papers, all official indemnity or security bonds, except the recorder’s bond, which shall be in the custody of the […]
The recorder shall provide, and when required by any officer or person certify, copies of records, papers, and documents in the recorder’s office, and charge therefor, for the use of the city, such fees as may be provided by ordinance, cause copies of ordinances to be printed, as may be directed by the board of […]