US Lawyer Database

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§ 6-56-101. Biennial Audit Required

It is the duty of the governing board of every municipal corporation to have a thorough audit of the financial affairs of the corporation, including all receipts from every source and every expenditure or disbursement of the money of the corporation, made by a disinterested person skilled in such work, as often as every two […]

§ 6-56-103. Taxpayers Compelling Audit

If two (2) years lapse without the audit provided for in §§ 6-56-101 and 6-56-102 being made, any ten (10) persons over eighteen (18) years of age, who have paid taxes to such municipal corporation during the two-year period for which no audit has been made, may file a written demand for such an audit […]

§ 6-56-104. Audit as Public Record — Publication

The result of each audit provided for in §§ 6-56-101 — 6-56-103 shall be kept as a public record of the corporation, and shall be always subject to the inspection of each citizen or taxpayer of the corporation. A summary of the audit, prepared by the auditor, shall be published in at least one (1) […]

§ 6-56-105. Audit of Subordinate Agencies

The governing body of each municipality shall cause an annual audit to be made of the accounts and records of all departments, boards, and agencies under its jurisdiction that receive and disburse funds. The audit shall include, but not be limited to, general funds, highway funds, school funds, public utilities and municipal courts. The comptroller […]

§ 6-56-106. Authorized Investments

In order to provide a safe temporary medium for investment of idle funds, municipalities are authorized to invest in the following: Bonds, notes or treasury bills of the United States; Nonconvertible debt securities of the following federal government sponsored enterprises that are chartered by the United States congress; provided, that such securities are rated in […]

§ 6-56-107. Selection of Bonds for Investment

For the purpose of carrying out § 6-56-106, the governing body of the municipality may appoint a committee with authority to act in the premises and, unless the governing body shall designate the specific series of bonds in which such funds shall be invested, the selection of the series for investment of such funds as […]

§ 6-56-108. Contributions to Watershed Development Authority

Any municipality of this state may make financial contributions to any watershed development authority created by special act of the general assembly, where a portion or all of the watershed development administered by such authority lies within the county wherein such municipality is situated, and such municipality is participating directly or indirectly in such development. […]

§ 6-56-110. Depositories of Municipal Funds

The contracting authority for a municipality shall contract with a bank or banks making the best proposal to become the depository of municipal funds. Before entering into a contract under subdivision (a)(1), the contracting authority for a municipality or the contracting authority’s designee shall review and analyze the proposals from the banks. The analysis of […]