The division, in addition to the powers and duties expressed in this chapter with respect to the denial of a license, denial of certificate of registration and suspension or revocation of a license, is empowered to petition any circuit or chancery court having jurisdiction of any person within this state who is practicing without a […]
For purposes of any action before any board, committee, council, or other agency created pursuant to this title or title 68, in which the standard of care is at issue, members of such a board, committee, council, or agency are entitled to rely upon their own expertise in making determinations concerning the standard of care […]
Any person, except those expressly exempted from this chapter by § 63-1-110 or § 63-1-111 who practices the healing arts as defined in this chapter, or any branch thereof, without first complying with this chapter, including all laws now in force regulating the practice of the various branches of the healing arts, and any person […]
The governor shall appoint one (1) citizen member to each health-related board that does not have a citizen as a part of its membership. The term of each such citizen member shall be the same as other members of the respective board to which such person is appointed. As used in this section, “citizen member” […]
This section shall be known and may be cited as the “Kenneth and Madge Tullis, MD, Suicide Prevention Training Act.” As used in this section: “Board” means a health-related board created in this title or title 68 and includes the: Board for professional counselors, marital and family therapists, and clinical pastoral therapists, created by § […]
As used in this section: “Confirmed drug test” means a confirmed test as defined in § 50-9-103; “Drug” means a drug as defined in § 50-9-103; “Employer” means a covered employer, as defined in § 50-9-103, that is a healthcare facility licensed under title 68, chapter 11, part 2, or any other healthcare employer that […]
A quality improvement committee, as defined in § 63-1-150, may share information concerning substance abuse by a healthcare practitioner licensed or certified under this title with another quality improvement committee pursuant to § 63-1-150(d)(3) or § 68-11-272(c)(3) in furtherance of the functions of the committees.
Notwithstanding any law, rule, or policy of a board or the department of health, emergency action by the department or the board under § 4-5-320(c) shall not require the prior approval of the attorney general and reporter.
Health care prescribers, their employees, agents, or independent contractors shall not conduct in-person solicitation, telemarketing, or telephonic solicitation of victims of an accident or disaster, for the purpose of marketing services of the healing arts related to the accident or disaster, unless: The health care prescriber has a family or prior professional relationship with the […]
As used in this section, “licensing authority” means any state department, board, commission, or agency that issues any license, certificate, or registration for an individual to engage in an occupation, profession, business, or trade in this state, including to those licensing authorities that have statutory authority to deny, suspend, or revoke a license for felonies […]
The commissioner of health shall appoint a director of the division of health related boards provided for in this section and §§ 63-1-132, 63-1-133, and 68-1-101.
The director of the division of health related boards has the power, duty, and responsibility to: Employ all staff assigned or performing duties for the agencies attached to the division; Promulgate rules and regulations for all administrative functions and activities of the agencies attached to the division as well as all matters that affect more […]
The director of the division or the director’s duly authorized representative shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member of each agency attached to this division and shall be entitled to attend all meetings of such agencies. All agencies attached to this division shall advise the director of any meeting at which official action will be […]
With respect to any person required to be licensed, permitted or authorized by any board, commission or agency attached to the division of health related boards, each respective board, commission or agency may assess a civil penalty against such person in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each separate violation of […]
Before submitting an estimate of its expenditure requirements as provided in § 9-4-5103, the department of health shall consult with each board, commission or agency that is attached to the division of health related boards created under § 68-1-101 and is authorized or required to collect any fees. Any such board, commission or agency shall […]
Regulatory boards, commissions and agencies attached to the division of health related boards, in addition to other enumerated powers and duties, have as their purpose assistance in the rehabilitation of impaired health practitioners who are licensed, certified or registered by the respective regulatory boards, commissions and agencies. Regulatory boards, commissions and agencies attached to the […]
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, all moneys other than the state regulatory fee as provided for in § 9-4-5117 collected by any board attached to the division of health related boards shall be deposited in the state general fund and credited to a separate account for each such board. Disbursements from such […]
The division and each board, committee or council established in this title that does not already have authority to utilize screening panels and the medical laboratory board, the board of alcohol and drug counselors and the Tennessee emergency medical services board as established in title 68 may utilize one (1) or more screening panels in […]
Each board, commission, committee, agency or other governmental entity created pursuant to this title, title 68, chapter 24, and title 68, chapter 140, part 3 shall notify each applicant for a license, certification or registration from such board, commission, committee, agency or other governmental entity where to obtain a copy of any statutes, rules, policies […]
All members of any board, commission or council that licenses, certifies or regulates any profession or occupation shall, during the time of their respective appointments, be citizens of this state. The appointment of any member of any board, commission or council that licenses or certifies any profession or occupation shall terminate when Tennessee is no […]