§ 63-8-122. Penalties
A violation of this chapter is a Class B misdemeanor.
A violation of this chapter is a Class B misdemeanor.
The commissioner of health has the authority to regulate the laboratory practices of optometrists to ensure that such practices are in full compliance with the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) (42 U.S.C. § 263a).
It is the public policy of the state that: Optometrists rendering visual care to citizens shall practice in an ethical, professional manner; Optometrists’ practices shall be free from any influences that would interfere with their exercise of professional judgment; The visual welfare of the optometrist’s patient shall be the prime consideration at all times; and […]
A manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer of ophthalmic materials who leases space to an optometrist shall not, directly or indirectly, control or attempt to control the professional judgment or practice of an optometrist. As used in this section, the phrase “control or attempt to control the professional judgment or practice of an optometrist” includes, but is […]
Any handwritten prescription order for a drug prepared by an optometrist who is authorized by law to prescribe a drug must be legible so that it is comprehensible by the pharmacist who fills the prescription. The handwritten prescription order must contain the name of the prescribing optometrist, the name and strength of the drug prescribed, […]
No person shall require an optometrist to purchase a minimum quantity or minimum dollar amount of a specified brand of ophthalmic materials in order to participate as a provider in a vision or other health care plan. An optometrist may file an action in the chancery court of the county in which the optometrist’s office […]
The board of optometry shall establish by rule an inactive license category that allows optometrists to perform services without compensation only for those persons receiving services from organizations that have received a determination of exemption under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3)). Such inactive license category shall not authorize any […]