There shall be a board of osteopathic examination, referred to as “board” in this chapter, consisting of six (6) persons, appointed by the governor. One (1) of these persons shall be a citizen member who does not engage in any profession, business or activity subject to regulation by the board, and five (5) members shall […]
The board shall meet at the call of the president and at such other times and places as a majority of the board may appoint. Four (4) members of the board shall constitute a quorum, but no certificates of fitness to practice osteopathic medicine shall be granted on an affirmative vote of less than three […]
The board shall pay all money received as fees into the state treasury, and the commissioner of finance and administration shall make such allotments out of the general fund as the commissioner may deem proper for the necessary and proper expenses of the board. No expenditures shall be made by the board unless and until […]
Before engaging in the practice of osteopathic medicine, a person shall submit an application to the secretary of the board for a certificate of fitness to practice osteopathic medicine on a form prescribed by the board in writing or via online application, which includes: The person’s name, age, which shall not be less than eighteen […]
The board shall subject all applicants to an examination in the subjects of diagnosis, surgery, gynecology, obstetrics and such other subjects as the board may require. The board may, in its discretion, conduct its own written examination or administer a national examination. The board may, in its discretion, dispense with an examination in the case […]
Upon the issuance of a certificate of fitness by the board and the issuance of a license and a certificate of registration by the division as provided in chapter 1 of this title, the person receiving the same shall be entitled to practice in any county of this state osteopathic medicine, which is defined as […]
Every registered osteopathic physician shall annually pay a renewal fee as set by the board; provided, that satisfactory evidence is presented to the board that such licensee in the year preceding the application for renewal successfully completed the required number of hours in courses, programs, internships or residencies as established and approved by the board […]
Osteopathic physicians shall observe and be subject to all state and municipal regulations relating to: The control of contagious diseases; The reporting and certifying of births and deaths; and All matters pertaining to public health. Such reports shall be accepted by the officer or department to whom the same are made, equally with reports of […]
Any person who practices or pretends or attempts to practice or use the science or system of osteopathic medicine in treating diseases of the human body or any person who buys, sells or fraudulently obtains any diploma, certificate, license or record of registration to practice osteopathic medicine illegally obtained or signed or issued unlawfully or […]
The board shall investigate every supposed violation of this chapter coming within the scope of the authority of such board and report to the proper district attorney general all cases that, in the judgment of the board, warrant prosecution. Every police officer, sheriff and peace officer is charged with the duty of investigating every supposed […]
The board has the power to: Deny an application for a license to any applicant who applies for the same through reciprocity or otherwise; Permanently or temporarily withhold issuance of a license; Suspend or limit or restrict a previously issued license for such time and in such manner as the board may determine; Reprimand or […]
The board shall have, in regard to operators of X-ray equipment and/or machines in physician offices, the authority, by rules and regulations, to: Establish and issue limited X-ray certifications to qualified individuals in the areas of densitometry, chest, extremities, skull and/or sinus and lumbar spine; Establish and issue full X-ray certifications to individuals who hold […]
Nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to prohibit osteopathic medical service rendered by a physician assistant, registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse, or a pharmacist pursuant to a collaborative pharmacy practice agreement, if such osteopathic medical service is rendered under the supervision, control and responsibility of a licensed osteopathic physician.
A physician licensed pursuant to this chapter under a special volunteer license who is a medical practitioner, as defined by § 63-1-201, engaged in practice at a free health clinic shall not be subject to license fees under this chapter. The board of osteopathic examination may issue a special volunteer license, as such license is […]
Any handwritten prescription order for a drug prepared by an osteopathic physician who is authorized by law to prescribe a drug must be legible so that it is comprehensible by the pharmacist who fills the prescription. The handwritten prescription order must contain the name of the prescribing osteopathic physician, the name and strength of the […]
For the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Board” means the board of osteopathic examination; “Level II office-based surgery” means Level II surgery as defined by the board of osteopathic medical examination in its rules and regulations that is performed outside of a hospital, ambulatory surgical treatment center or other medical facility […]
Any osteopathic physician licensed pursuant to this chapter who has reason to believe that an employee or contractor of the physician or the physician’s firm, partnership or corporation has used the physician’s federal drug enforcement administration (DEA) registration number without authorization to write prescriptions may make a report to a law enforcement agency. Any osteopathic […]
“Hormone replacement therapy clinic” or “hormone therapy clinic” means a medical office in which the clinicians are primarily engaged in hormone replacement or supplementation therapy or a medical office which holds itself out to the public as being primarily or substantially engaged in hormone replacement therapy. For the purposes of this definition, “primarily engaged” means […]
A physician licensed in this chapter may only practice interventional pain management if the licensee is either: Board certified through the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) or the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS)/American Association of Physician Specialists (AAPS) in one of the following medical specialties: Anesthesiology; Neuromusculoskeletal medicine; Orthopedic surgery; Physical medicine and rehabilitation; Radiology; […]
A physician who is duly qualified to practice medicine under the laws of another state is exempt from the licensure requirements of § 63-9-104, subject to this section, if either of the following applies: The physician has a written or oral agreement with a sports team to provide care to team members and coaching staff […]