§ 7-6-101. Short Title
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Metropolitan Celebration Authority Act.”
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Metropolitan Celebration Authority Act.”
It is hereby declared that metropolitan celebration authorities created pursuant to this chapter shall be public and governmental bodies acting as agencies and instrumentalities of the creating municipality, and that the acquisition, construction, operation and financing of improvements by such authorities are hereby declared to be a public and governmental purpose and a matter of […]
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: “Authority” means a metropolitan celebration authority created pursuant to the authority of this chapter; “Board” means the board of commissioners of an authority; “Bonds” includes notes, interim certificates or other obligations of an authority; “Creating municipality” means any county having adopted a metropolitan form of […]
Any county having a metropolitan form of government may create a metropolitan celebration authority in the manner provided in this section. The governing body of the creating municipality shall adopt, and its executive officer shall approve, a resolution calling for a public hearing on the question of creating a metropolitan celebration authority. Notice of the […]
The authority shall be governed by a board of commissioners composed of eleven (11) members. Three (3) members shall be officers of the state, who shall be appointed by the executive officer of the creating municipality after consultation with the governor, the speaker of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives. The […]
The board shall appoint an executive director who shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the authority, and shall enter into a contract with the executive director establishing the executive director’s salary and term of office. The executive director shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the board, the following additional officers: a secretary, […]
An authority has all of the powers necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter, excluding the exercise of the power of eminent domain and the power to levy and collect taxes and special assessments, including, but not limited to, the power to: Have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, and adopt a corporate seal; […]
The authority has the power to issue negotiable bonds from time to time in order to accomplish any of the purposes authorized by this chapter, and it also has the power to issue refunding bonds for the purposes, and in the amounts and manner provided in title 9, chapter 21. All the bonds shall be […]
The creating municipality has all of the necessary power in order to further the purposes of this chapter, including, without limitation, any and all of which powers may be exercised by resolution of its governing body, the power to: Advance, donate or lend money or real or personal property to the authority; Provide that any […]
Whenever the governing body of a creating municipality shall by resolution determine that the purposes for which the authority was created have been substantially accomplished and that all the bonds and other obligations of the authority have been fully paid or secured and payment provided for, then the executive officer of the creating municipality shall […]
The powers conferred by this chapter are in addition and supplemental to the powers conferred by any other law, and are not in substitution for such powers, and the limitations imposed by this chapter shall not affect such powers. The powers granted in this chapter may be exercised without regard to requirements, restrictions or procedural […]
This chapter shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes of this chapter, and insofar as this chapter may be inconsistent with any other law, this chapter shall be controlling.