§ 7-86-101. Short Title
This part shall be known and may be cited as the “Emergency Communications District Law.”
This part shall be known and may be cited as the “Emergency Communications District Law.”
The general assembly finds and declares that the establishment of a uniform emergency number to shorten the time required for a citizen to request and receive emergency aid is a matter of public concern and interest. The general assembly finds and declares that the establishment of the number 911 as the primary emergency telephone number […]
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: “911 service” means regular 911 service enhanced universal emergency number service or enhanced 911 service that is a telephone exchange communications service whereby a public safety answering point may receive telephone calls dialed to the telephone number 911. “911 service” includes lines and may include […]
The legislative body of any municipality or county may, by ordinance or resolution, respectively, create an emergency communications district within all or part of the boundaries of such municipality or county. Prior to the establishment of such district, an election shall be held as provided in subsection (b). The legislative body of any municipality or […]
Upon approval by a majority of the eligible voters within the area of the proposed district voting at such referendum, the legislative body may create an emergency communications district. Except as otherwise provided by law, an emergency communications district shall have a board of directors composed of no fewer than seven (7) nor more than […]
The emergency communications district so created shall be a “municipality” or public corporation in perpetuity under its corporate name, and the district shall in that name be a body politic and corporate with power of perpetual succession, but without any power to levy or collect taxes. Charges for services authorized in this chapter shall not […]
The board of directors of the district shall create an emergency communications service designed to have the capability of utilizing at least one (1) of the following three (3) methods in response to emergency calls: Direct dispatch method; Relay method; or Transfer method. The board of directors of the district shall elect the method that […]
In order to provide additional funding for the district and the service, the governing body of the district may receive funds from federal, state and local government sources, as well as funds from private sources, including funds from the issuance of bonds, and may expend such funds for the purposes of this part. Any legislative […]
The board of directors of each district shall cause an annual audit to be made of the books and records of the district. Within thirty (30) days after receipt by the district, a copy of the annual audit shall be filed with the clerk or recorder of the appropriate county or municipality who shall then […]
Subject to the approval of the legislative body of a county or municipality in which a district is established, each district has the power and is hereby authorized, from time to time, to issue negotiable bonds, notes and debt obligations for lease or lease purchases in anticipation of the collection of revenues for the purpose […]
There shall be and there is created a statutory lien in the nature of a mortgage lien upon any facility acquired or constructed in accordance with this part, including all extensions and improvements to the facilities or combinations of extensions and improvements to facilities subsequently made, which lien shall be in favor of the holder […]
No holder or holders of any bonds issued pursuant to this part shall ever have the right to compel the levy of any tax to pay the bonds or the interest on the bonds. Each bond shall recite in substance that the bond and interest on the bond are payable solely from the revenue pledged […]
The district, and all properties at any time owned by it and the income from the properties and all bonds issued by it and the income from the bonds, shall be exempt from all taxation in the state.
The board of directors of an emergency communications district may, by resolution, vote to preclude service users from programming the emergency number “911” in automatic dialers used in conjunction with security alarm systems. A fine not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) may be assessed by the board against any person violating such board decision.
Any board member, executive committee member, employee, officer, or any other authorized person of an emergency communications district, who receives public funds, has authority to make expenditures from public funds, or has access to any public funds is hereby required to give bond made payable to the state with such sureties as provided in this […]
The board of each district shall adopt and operate under an annual budget. The budget shall present a financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year, including at least the following information: Estimates of proposed expenditures for each department, board, office or other agency of the district showing, in addition, the expenditures for corresponding items for […]
Bonds or notes issued pursuant to this part may be sold at either public sale or private negotiated sale. All revenues, including any debt obligation issued for the purpose of a lease/lease purchase, must be expended according to the County Purchasing Law of 1983, compiled in title 5, chapter 14, part 2. For the purposes […]
In order to provide a safe temporary medium for the investment of idle funds, emergency communications districts shall deposit and invest idle funds according to § 5-8-301.
At every regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors, the board must be provided with a financial report of the emergency communication district’s activities, in accordance with guidelines developed by the comptroller of the treasury.
No member of the board of directors shall have control or custody of the financial assets of an emergency communications district. No member of the board of directors, on such member’s sole authority, may authorize the disbursement, transfer, withdrawal or investment of any financial assets belonging to the emergency communications district.