The general assembly finds that the “Emergency Communications District Law” has been successfully embraced by the vast majority of Tennessee counties, most of which have already initiated basic or enhanced 911 service and are developing or maintaining this lifesaving service in furtherance of the purposes stated in the law. The general assembly also finds that […]
There is created in the department of commerce and insurance an emergency communications board, referred to in this part as “the board”, for the purpose of assisting emergency communications district boards of directors in the areas of management, operations, and accountability, and establishing emergency communications for all citizens of this state. The board shall, upon […]
The board’s budget shall be subject to approval by the general assembly. No member of the board is entitled to a salary for duties performed as a member of the board. Each member is entitled to reimbursement for travel and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties, in accordance with the state […]
The comptroller of the treasury is directed to develop a uniform financial accounting system conforming to generally accepted accounting principles for use as required by this section. Effective July 1, 1999, each emergency communications district shall use the uniform accounting system developed by the comptroller of the treasury. The annual audit of all emergency communications […]
As a means to restore financial stability to financially distressed emergency communications districts and to ensure continued 911 service for the benefit of the public, the board may study the possible consolidation or merger of two (2) or more adjacent emergency communications districts, if at least one (1) such emergency communications district is financially distressed. […]
In order to effectuate the purposes of this part, the board has the power and authority to: Promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, for the conduct of the affairs of the board; Adopt a seal for the board, prescribe the style of the […]
The board shall develop and implement a plan for providing 911 service and wireless enhanced 911 service to all citizens of Tennessee. The plan shall provide for: A schedule for the implementation, installation, operation, maintenance, and enhancement of statewide wireless enhanced 911 service, and the funding of the service; A schedule for the implementation and […]
The board shall appoint a technical advisory committee, the number of members to be determined by the board. The technical advisory committee shall be composed of representatives of 911 service suppliers and non-wireline service providers, including, but not limited to, commercial mobile radio service and IP-enabled service providers, for the purpose of providing and receiving […]
The board shall appoint advisory committees for the purpose of providing and receiving information to the board; the number of members on such committees shall be determined by the board. Such committees may include, but not be limited to, local government officials, consumers, 911 service users, law enforcement personnel, firefighting personnel, and emergency medical services […]
After May 20, 1998, no referendum to allow the creation of a new emergency communications district within the boundaries of an existing emergency communications district shall take place without prior approval by the board. In the event that the board determines that such a creation is in the best interest of the public, and after […]
In each county in which an emergency communications district has not been created by January 1, 2000, the board shall order an election to be held at the next regularly scheduled general election, pursuant to § 2-3-204, to submit to the voters of the county the question of creating a countywide emergency communications district. In […]
Any city or county governing body may, by resolution, request the board to review a decision of the board of directors of the emergency communications district serving such city or county affecting its financial standing and its level or quality of 911 service.
Any county or city governing body may, by resolution, request the board to review the financial statements of an emergency communications district serving such county or city. If the board determines that such district is accumulating excess reserves or retained earnings, and if such emergency communications district is not able to justify such accumulation of […]
Effective July 1, 2017, any member of the board of directors of an emergency communications district with four (4) consecutive unexcused absences or who fails to attend at least fifty percent (50%) of regularly scheduled meetings within any twelve-month period shall automatically be removed from the board. Upon removal of a member pursuant to subdivision […]
The board shall report annually to the governor and the speakers of the general assembly on the activities of the board for the preceding year. The board shall receive and consider from any source whatsoever, whether private or governmental, suggestions for amendments to this chapter.
Contacting 911 for some purpose other than to report an emergency or an event that the person contacting 911 reasonably believes to be an emergency is a Class C misdemeanor. Aggravated nonemergency contact of 911 is contacting 911 as described in subsection (a) where: An individual makes nonemergency contact to 911 in an offensively repetitious […]
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the board shall promulgate rules and regulations to safeguard proprietary information submitted to the board. Such rules and regulations shall be consistent with determinations, actions, customs, and practices of the Tennessee regulatory agency with respect to proprietary information. Any information determined to be proprietary in accordance with such […]
Nothing in this part shall be construed to constitute the regulation of the entry or of rates charged by CMRS providers for any service or feature that they provide to their CMRS customers, or to prohibit a CMRS provider from charging a CMRS subscriber for any service or feature provided to such customer.
A commercial mobile radio service provider shall not have any greater responsibility or duty to its customers or other persons with respect to 911 calls and the operation of a 911 system than does a noncommercial mobile radio service provider to its customers or other persons.
If a provider of an IP-enabled service offers 911 or E911 services and such provider complies with federal communication commission Order #05-116, adopted May 19, 2005, that provider, its officers, directors, employees, vendors, and agents, shall have immunity or other protection from liability of a scope and extent that is not less than the scope […]