The Department of Education and Early Development shall manage and have complete charge of all of the property contained in the institutions known as the state library and state historical library. The state library and state historical library shall be maintained in the state capital.
The department shall (1) stimulate and encourage citizens’ participation in the development and improvement of library facilities; and (2) establish policies, plans, and procedures of the department, and adopt reasonable regulations and orders, with penalties, as may be required.
The department shall undertake state library functions that will benefit the state and its citizens, including (1) coordinating library services of the state with other educational services and agencies to increase effectiveness and eliminate duplication; (2) providing reference library service to state and other public officials; (3) providing library services and administering state and other […]
The department shall (1) collect, catalog, and preserve an Alaska collection consisting of books, laws, pamphlets, periodicals, manuscripts, microreproductions, audiovisual materials, etc.; (2) serve as a depository for state and federal historical publications concerning Alaska; (3) acquire, catalog, and maintain private papers and manuscripts relative to Alaska which are adjudged worthy of preservation for reference […]