(a) Except as provided in AS 15.07.135, a registration official may not refuse to register a person who is qualified to vote under provisions of AS 15.05.010(1) – (3). (b) A person knowingly lacking the qualifications of a voter may not register under AS 15.07.030 to vote. (c) [Repealed, § 231 ch 100 SLA 1980.]
A registration official may not accept a fee from an applicant applying for registration.
A person who violates AS 15.07.180 is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both.
(a) The following information set out in state voter registration records is confidential and is not open to public inspection: (1) the voter’s age or date of birth; (2) the voter’s social security number, or any part of that number; (3) the voter’s driver’s license number; (4) the voter’s voter identification number; (5) the voter’s […]
The registration program is under the supervision of the director in accordance with AS 15.10.105.