(a) For purposes of the conservation and development of the fishery resources of the state, there is created the Board of Fisheries composed of seven members appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of the legislature in joint session. The governor shall appoint each member on the basis of […]
The boards have regulation-making powers as set out in this chapter, but do not have administrative, budgeting, or fiscal powers.
(a) The Board of Fisheries may adopt regulations it considers advisable in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) for (1) setting apart fish reserve areas, refuges, and sanctuaries in the waters of the state over which it has jurisdiction, subject to the approval of the legislature; (2) establishing open and closed seasons and areas […]
(a) The Board of Fisheries may require a person who holds a limited entry permit or an interim-use permit under AS 16.43 to be physically present at a beach or riparian fishing site during the operation of net gear or other stationary fishing gear at the site, except when the permit holder is at or […]
(a) The Board of Game may adopt regulations it considers advisable in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) for (1) setting apart game reserve areas, refuges, and sanctuaries in the water or on the land of the state over which it has jurisdiction, subject to the approval of the legislature; (2) establishing open and […]
Whenever it is necessary to restrict the taking of big game so that the opportunity for state residents to take big game can be reasonably satisfied in accordance with sustained yield principles, the Board of Game may, through a permit system, limit the taking of big game by nonresidents and nonresident aliens to accomplish that […]
(a) Except in nonsubsistence areas, the Board of Fisheries and the Board of Game shall identify the fish stocks and game populations, or portions of stocks or populations, that are customarily and traditionally taken or used for subsistence. The commissioner shall provide recommendations to the boards concerning the stock and population identifications. The boards shall […]
In a prosecution for the taking of fish or game in violation of a statute or regulation, it is not a defense that the taking was done for subsistence uses.
The Board of Fisheries and the Board of Game may adopt regulations they consider advisable in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) establishing, at places in the state designated by the individual boards, advisory committees to be composed of persons well informed on the fish or game resources of the locality. The boards shall […]
For the purpose of administering AS 16.05.251 and 16.05.255, each board may delegate authority to the commissioner to act in its behalf. If there is a conflict between the board and the commissioner on proposed regulations, public hearings shall be held concerning the issues in question. If, after the public hearings, the board and the […]
The governor may only remove a board member for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misconduct in office, or because the member while serving on the board is convicted of a misdemeanor for violating a statute or regulation related to fish or game or of a felony, and shall do so by delivering to the member […]
Each member of a board is entitled to compensation at a rate equal to Step A, Range 20, of the salary schedule in AS 39.27.011(a) for Juneau, Alaska, for each day going to and from and for each day in actual attendance at board meetings. For other meetings or conferences authorized by a board a […]
(a) Each board shall hold at least one meeting a year and as many other meetings as it considers necessary. Each board shall select the time and place in the state for the transaction of business. Each board shall maintain its office at the principal office of the department. (b) In addition, the Board of […]
The Board of Fisheries and the Board of Game are authorized to hire and set the compensation for one clerical assistant for each board.
A board may meet at any time upon the call of the commissioner or upon the request of two board members.
The Board of Fisheries and the Board of Game may hold a joint meeting upon the call of the commissioner or a board to resolve any conflicts in regulations of the boards and to consider matters, as determined by the commissioner or a board, that require the consideration of both boards.
A majority of the members of a board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, for the performance of any duty, and for the exercise of any power. However, a majority of the full board membership is required to carry all motions, regulations, and resolutions. A majority of the members of the boards of […]