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Home » US Law » 2022 Alaska Statutes » Title 16. Fish and Game » Chapter 30. Destruction of Big Game Animals and Wild Fowl

Sec. 16.30.010. Wanton waste of big game animals and wild fowl.

(a) It is a class A misdemeanor for a person who kills a big game animal or a species of wild fowl to fail intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence to salvage for human consumption the edible meat of the animal or fowl. (b) If a person is convicted of violating this section and […]

Sec. 16.30.012. Possession of horns or antlers.

(a) It is a class A misdemeanor for a person to possess the horns or antlers of a big game animal that was killed after the opening of the current or most recent lawful hunting season for that animal if the person does not possess the edible meat of the animal. (b) A person may […]

Sec. 16.30.015. Surrender of salvaged portions, license forfeiture.

A person convicted of violating AS 16.30.010 (1) shall surrender to the department all salvaged portions of the animal or fowl; (2) forfeits the convicted person’s hunting license; (3) is ineligible to hold a hunting license for (A) the year in which the conviction is entered and the year following the year in which the […]

Sec. 16.30.017. Defenses.

(a) It is a defense to a criminal charge under AS 16.30.010 or 16.30.012 that the failure to salvage or possess the edible meat was due to circumstances beyond the control of the person charged, including (1) theft of the animal or fowl; (2) unanticipated weather conditions or other acts of God; (3) unavoidable loss […]

Sec. 16.30.030. Definitions.

In this chapter, (1) “big game animal” means moose, caribou, mountain sheep, mountain goat, feral reindeer, deer, elk, bison, walrus, or musk ox; (2) “criminal negligence” means criminal negligence as defined in AS 11.81.900(a)(4); (3) “edible meat” means, in the case of big game animals, the meat of the ribs, neck, brisket, front quarters as […]