Sec. 23.15.010. Administration of vocational rehabilitation.
The commissioner shall administer the vocational rehabilitation program.
The commissioner shall administer the vocational rehabilitation program.
(a) The commissioner may cooperate with a federal agency, as provided and required by federal law for vocational rehabilitation. (b) The commissioner shall comply with the federal laws and the conditions necessary to secure the full benefit of the federal vocational rehabilitation laws, and shall do all things necessary to entitle the state to receive […]
The commissioner may appoint administrative officers and delegate to them the authority necessary to carry out AS 23.15.010 – 23.15.210.
The division of vocational rehabilitation is established under the commissioner to carry out AS 23.15.010 – 23.15.210.
The commissioner shall appoint a director of the division of vocational rehabilitation. The director has the administrative authority delegated by the commissioner and necessary to carry out AS 23.15.010 – 23.15.210 and the regulations and policies adopted by the commissioner.
(a) The commissioner may enter into necessary agreements on behalf of the state with the Secretary of Health and Human Services to carry out the provisions of the federal Social Security Act, as amended, and as it is subsequently amended, relating to the making of determinations of disability under Title II and Title XVI of […]
(a) Vocational rehabilitation service shall be provided directly or through a public or private instrumentality to an individual with a disability who (1) is a resident of the state at the time of application for the service and whose vocational rehabilitation the agency determines after full investigation can be satisfactorily achieved; or (2) is eligible […]
If vocational rehabilitation service cannot be provided for all eligible individuals with disabilities who apply, the agency shall provide by regulation for determining the order to be followed in selecting those to whom the services will be provided.
(a) When providing vocational training, vocational rehabilitation, or employment placement of an individual with a disability, the agency’s primary objective and preferred outcome is to help the individual become gainfully employed in an integrated workplace where individuals with disabilities work with and alongside of individuals without disabilities. (b) By December 31 of each year, the […]
(a) In carrying out AS 23.15.010 – 23.15.210, the agency shall (1) take the action it considers necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of AS 23.15.010 – 23.15.210 and adopt regulations in conformity with these purposes; (2) determine the eligibility of applicants for vocational rehabilitation service; (3) submit to the governor annual reports […]
Vocational rehabilitation service may be extended to the continental United States to all individuals eligible under AS 23.15.010 – 23.15.210. The director may place professional or clerical personnel or both inside the continental United States to carry out the purposes of AS 23.15.010 – 23.15.210.
(a) The agency shall cooperate with the federal government in carrying out the purposes of federal laws pertaining to vocational rehabilitation, including the licensing of blind persons to operate vending stands on federal property, and may adopt the methods of administration that are found by the federal government to be necessary for the proper and […]
(a) An assistive technology loan guarantee fund is established in the agency. The fund consists of money appropriated to it. The agency may solicit and accept available public and private money for distribution from the fund. (b) Subject to (c) and (d) of this section, the agency may use money in the fund established under […]
(a) There is created in the state treasury a revolving fund designated as the vocational rehabilitation small business enterprise revolving fund. The fund shall be administered by the director. (b) Receipts from the net proceeds of vending facilities on public property, other than vending facilities operated by a licensee, shall be paid into the fund. […]
(a) A vending facility may not be established on public property that is under the jurisdiction of the state except as authorized by the commissioner. (b) A vending facility authorized by the commissioner shall be selected and located after consulting with the persons responsible for the maintenance and operation of the property to be served […]
(a) The agency shall issue a license for the operation of a vending facility on public property to a blind person or a person with a severe disability who is a resident of the state at the time of application and who qualifies for a license under (1) 20 U.S.C. 107 – 107f (Randolph-Sheppard Act); […]
The agency shall adopt regulations that ensure the opportunity for active participation by a licensee with severe disabilities in the administration of vending facilities operated by licensees with severe disabilities. The opportunity for active participation provided under this section must be at least as extensive as the opportunity for active participation provided for a blind […]
(a) The Committee of Blind Vendors consisting of all blind licensees is established. The agency shall conduct a biennial election of a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer of the committee and may conduct elections to fill vacancies in office at any time. (b) The commissioner shall assure active participation by the Committee of Blind Vendors […]
The agency shall purchase group insurance coverage under AS 39.30.090 for licensees holding current operating agreements. The employer share of the insurance premium shall be paid from the vocational rehabilitation small business enterprise revolving fund.
The Department of Revenue is designated custodian of all vocational rehabilitation funds in the state.