A labor contract executed in this state by a labor organization that has no local in this state or which contract is not to be executed by one or more of its locals in this state may not be enforced in the courts of this state unless the labor organization has registered with the department […]
For the purpose of AS 23.40.020 – 23.40.040 “labor organization” includes an organization constituted wholly or partly to bargain collectively or deal with employers, including the state and its political subdivisions, concerning grievances, terms, or conditions of employment or other mutual aid or protection in connection with employees.
The commissioner of transportation and public facilities or an authorized representative, in accordance with AS 23.40.020 – 23.40.030, may negotiate and enter into collective bargaining agreements concerning wages, hours, working conditions, and other employment benefits with the employees of the division of marine transportation engaged in operating the state ferry system as masters or members […]