The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee is established as a permanent interim committee of the legislature. The establishment of the committee recognizes the need of the legislature for full-time technical assistance in accomplishing the fiscal analysis, budget review, and post-audit functions.
The purposes of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee include (1) monitoring and reporting (A) the performance of the agencies of the state that perform lending or investment functions; (B) the extent to which the performance of these agencies has contributed to the fiscal, financial, economic, and social improvement of the state and its citizens; […]
The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee is composed of 10 members: the chairmen of the senate and house finance committees; one member selected from each of the senate and house finance committees and appointed by the president of the senate and the speaker of the house, respectively; and three members appointed from each house by […]
The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee shall have two alternate members in addition to the members designated in AS 24.20.161. The president of the senate shall appoint one alternate member from the senate finance committee and the speaker of the house shall appoint one alternate member from the house finance committee. The alternate members shall […]
(a) The committee shall be organized within 10 days after the organization of each legislature. Members serve for the duration of the legislature during which they are appointed. (b) When a member of the committee files a declaration of candidacy for an elective office other than that of member of either house of the legislature, […]
When a vacancy occurs in the statutory or appointive membership of the committee, the presiding officer of the house incurring the vacancy shall choose a successor. If the office of the president of the senate or speaker of the house of representatives becomes vacant and a vacancy from the affected house occurs among the membership […]
The budget and audit committee may meet during sessions of the legislature and during the interim between sessions at such times and places in the state as the chairman may determine. Members may receive, for the minimum time required to get to and from meetings and for the period while attending meetings, the same travel […]
(a) The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee has the power to (1) organize, adopt rules for the conduct of its business, and prescribe procedures for the comprehensive fiscal analysis, budget review, and post-audit functions; (2) hold public hearings, administer oaths, issue subpoenas, compel the attendance of witnesses and production of papers, books, accounts, documents, and […]
The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee shall (1) annually review the long-range operating plans of all agencies of the state that perform lending or investment functions; (2) review periodic reports from all agencies of the state that perform lending or investment functions; (3) prepare a complete report of investment programs, plans, performance, and policies of […]
The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee shall keep a complete file of all reports presented to it and all reports presented by it to the legislature or to a legislative committee.
The legislative finance division is established as a permanent staff agency responsible to the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee for performance of fiscal analysis and budget review functions.
(a) The committee shall hire and determine the salary of the legislative fiscal analyst who shall serve both at the direction and pleasure of the committee. The fiscal analyst shall serve as head of the finance division and, within the limits of the budget approved by the committee, shall employ and determine the compensation of […]
The legislative finance division shall (1) analyze the budget and appropriation requests of each department, institution, bureau, board, commission, or other agency of state government; (2) analyze the revenue requirements of the state; (3) provide the finance committees of the legislature with comprehensive budget review and fiscal analysis services; (4) cooperate with the office of […]
(a) Every two years, the legislative finance division shall deliver to the chair of the finance committee in each house of the legislature a report analyzing the indirect expenditure report created under AS 43.05.095 for the appropriate agencies listed in this subsection. The first review shall occur in the calendar year set out after each […]
The legislative audit division is established as a permanent staff agency responsible to the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee for completion of the post-audit function.
(a) The legislative auditor shall be a certified public accountant of this state, or of another state having requirements equivalent to those of this state, with at least five years of practice in the profession, or the equivalent, before the appointment. (b) The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee shall examine persons to serve as legislative […]
(a) The legislative auditor shall serve as head of the audit division and, within the limits of the budget approved by the committee, shall employ and determine the compensation of the professional and clerical staff of the division. (b) The auditor and members of the professional and clerical staff may not join or support any […]
The legislative audit division shall (1) conduct a performance post-audit of boards and commissions designated in AS 44.66.010 and make the audit, together with a written report, available to the legislature not later than the first day of the regular session of the legislature convening in each year set out with reference to boards and […]
A member of the legislature may, in writing and with at least six days notice, request that the budget and audit committee direct a special audit of any state agency or determine the propriety of any expenditure of state funds received by any political subdivision or other entity obtaining state funds. Should a majority of […]
The legislative auditor, the supervisor of audit, the legislative fiscal analyst, and members of the staff of the legislative finance and audit divisions may not serve in ex officio or other capacity on any board, except as authorized in AS 24.20.231(6), commission or other administrative agency of state government; nor may they have a financial […]