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Sec. 29.47.080. Bond anticipation borrowing.

A municipality may borrow money in anticipation of the sale of general obligation and revenue bonds if (1) the general obligation bonds to be sold have been authorized by ordinance and ratified by a majority vote at an election; (2) the revenue bonds to be sold have been authorized by ordinance.

Sec. 29.47.090. Issuance of notes.

The governing body shall issue negotiable or nonnegotiable notes for the amounts borrowed with a maturity date not to exceed one year from the date of issue. All notes and the interest on them are payable at fixed places on or before a fixed time from the proceeds of the sale of bonds in anticipation […]

Sec. 29.47.100. Issuance of new notes.

If the sale of the bonds has not occurred before the maturity of the notes issued in anticipation of the sale, the governing body shall issue new notes in order to meet payment of the notes then maturing, or shall renew the outstanding bond anticipation notes. New notes issued or renewals of outstanding bond anticipation […]

Sec. 29.47.110. Repayment of notes.

Every note is payable from the proceeds of the sale of bonds that the notes anticipated or from the proceeds of the sale of new bond anticipation notes.

Sec. 29.47.120. Security.

(a) Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter as to payment of notes, notes issued in anticipation of the sale of general obligation bonds and the interest on them are secured by the full faith and credit of the municipality. The municipality may levy ad valorem taxes for payment without limitation of rate or amount. (b) […]

Sec. 29.47.130. Limitation.

The total amount of notes issued and outstanding may at no time exceed the total amount of bonds authorized to be issued.

Sec. 29.47.140. Use of proceeds.

The proceeds from the sale of notes shall be used only for the purposes for which the proceeds from the sale of bonds may be used, or to meet payment of outstanding bond anticipation notes.