US Lawyer Database

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Sec. 03.40.010. Brands and marks.

Any person owning cattle, reindeer, bison, musk oxen, elk, sheep, horses, mules, or asses may adopt a brand or mark. After recording the brand or mark as provided in AS 03.40.030, the person has the exclusive right to its use.

Sec. 03.40.020. Record of ownership.

The owner may brand or mark an animal on either side with the owner’s brand or mark. The animal shall be branded or marked so that the brand or mark shows distinctly. Sheep may be marked distinctly with a mark or device to distinguish them readily when they become intermixed with other flocks of sheep […]

Sec. 03.40.030. Recording.

(a) To adopt a brand or mark, a person shall forward to the commissioner a facsimile of the brand or mark, together with a written application, and the recording fee of $2. Upon receipt, the commissioner shall record the brand or mark unless it is of record or conflicts with or closely resembles that of […]

Sec. 03.40.040. Copy of record; procurement; fee.

Upon the recording of a brand or mark, the commissioner shall furnish the owner with a certified copy of the record. Additional certified copies of the record may be obtained by anyone upon the payment of $1 for each copy.

Sec. 03.40.070. Brand is personal property.

A recorded brand or mark is the property of the person causing the record to be made, and is subject to sale, assignment, transfer, devise, and descent, as personal property. Instruments of writing evidencing the sale, assignment, or transfer of the brand or mark shall be recorded by the commissioner, and the fee for recording […]

Sec. 03.40.080. Record is evidence of ownership.

In all actions and proceedings in which the title to animals is an issue, the certified copy provided for in AS 03.40.070 is prima facie evidence of ownership of the animal by the person whose brand or mark it may be.

Sec. 03.40.090. Publication of record.

The commissioner shall publish, in book form, a list of all brands and marks on record at the time of the publication. The lists may be supplemented from time to time. The publication must contain a facsimile of all recorded brands and marks, together with the owner’s name and mailing address. The records shall be […]

Sec. 03.40.110. Animals from other states.

Any person who brings into this state for grazing purposes any animals included in AS 03.40.010 already branded or marked shall present to the commissioner a statement of the brands or marks of these animals. If these brands or marks conflict with any previously recorded, the owner or manager of the animals shall brand or […]

Sec. 03.40.120. Sale of branded livestock.

A person may not sell or otherwise dispose of any branded livestock, or buy, purchase, or otherwise receive any branded livestock, unless the person selling or disposing of the stock gives, and the person buying, purchasing, or otherwise receiving the stock receives, a bill of sale in writing. A person who violates or fails to […]

Sec. 03.40.130. Exhibition of bill of sale by purchaser.

A person who purchases, receives, or possesses any branded livestock, either as principal or agent, shall exhibit, on request of any person, the bill of sale of the stock. A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable as provided in AS 03.40.120.

Sec. 03.40.140. Sale without power of attorney or bill of sale prohibited.

A person may not sell or offer for sale or trade any branded livestock that does not have the person’s recorded brand, unless the person has a bill of sale or power of attorney from the owner of the stock, authorizing the sale. The bill of sale must state the buyer’s name and address, the […]

Sec. 03.40.180. Preservation of hide required.

A person may not kill, for the person’s own use and consumption or to offer for sale, any branded livestock without preserving the hide of the animal intact for a period of not less than 15 days. The hide shall be presented for inspection upon demand of any person.

Sec. 03.40.200. Record of branded hides.

A person who purchases hides shall keep a record of all branded hides of meat cattle purchased that states the name of the person from whom purchased, the seller’s place of residence, the date of purchase, and the mark and brand on the hides. The record shall be open for the inspection of stock growers, […]

Sec. 03.40.210. Penalty for violation of AS 03.40.200.

A person who violates the provisions of AS 03.40.200 or who wilfully neglects or refuses to do any act therein required is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction is punishable by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months or by a fine not exceeding $100.

Sec. 03.40.220. Reserved brand “S” on left jaw.

There is reserved in the office of the commissioner a cattle brand consisting of an “S” on the left jaw. This brand may not be assigned to any person in the state, and it is unlawful for any person to use this brand except as provided in AS 03.40.230.

Sec. 03.40.230. Branding of spayed heifers.

A person, when spaying heifers, shall, upon request of the owner, brand the heifers with an “S” on the left jaw, and furnish the owner with a certificate that all heifers so branded have been properly spayed.