Sec. 08.20.010. Creation and membership of Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
There is created the Board of Chiropractic Examiners consisting of five members appointed by the governor.
There is created the Board of Chiropractic Examiners consisting of five members appointed by the governor.
Four members of the board shall be licensed chiropractic physicians who have practiced chiropractic in this state not less than two years. One member of the board shall be a person with no direct financial interest in the health care industry. Each member serves without pay but is entitled to per diem and travel expenses […]
A member of the board may be removed from office by the governor for cause.
Every two years, the board shall elect from its membership a president, vice president and secretary.
The president and the secretary may administer oaths in conjunction with the business of the board.
The board shall adopt regulations necessary to effect the provisions of this chapter, including regulations establishing standards for (1) continuing education; (2) the application, performance, and evaluation of chiropractic core methodology; (3) the training, qualifications, scope of practice, and employment of chiropractic interns and chiropractic preceptors; (4) the designation of one or more nationally recognized […]
The board shall adopt a seal and affix it to all licenses issued.
A majority of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.