11-281. Bond election; industrial pursuits fund A. The board of supervisors may, and upon petition of fifteen per cent of the property taxpayers of the county who are also qualified electors shall, call an election of the taxpayers to determine whether bonds of the county shall be issued and sold for the purpose of constructing, […]
11-282. Construction of industrial plant; bidding; bond A. When the proceeds of the bonds are deposited in the treasury, the board of supervisors shall prepare plans and specifications for the plant and equipment, and thereupon shall advertise for bids for the construction and installation of the plant and equipment, in accordance with the plans and […]
11-283. Industrial plant employees; salaries A. The board may employ engineers and other employees to assist the board and to draft the plans and specifications. The board shall employ a manager to have charge of the operation and maintenance of the plant who shall be skilled in the line of his duties and required to […]
11-284. Sale of industrial products A. The products of the plant shall be furnished to any board or officer of the county for the construction of any public improvement for the county, at a price based on the cost of manufacture including taxes levied to retire the bonded indebtedness. The board or officer may purchase […]