12-541. Malicious prosecution; false imprisonment; libel or slander; seduction or breach of promise of marriage; breach of employment contract; wrongful termination; liability created by statute; one year limitation There shall be commenced and prosecuted within one year after the cause of action accrues, and not afterward, the following actions: 1. For malicious prosecution, or for […]
12-542. Injury to person; injury when death ensues; injury to property; conversion of property; forcible entry and forcible detainer; two year limitation Except as provided in section 12-551 there shall be commenced and prosecuted within two years after the cause of action accrues, and not afterward, the following actions: 1. For injuries done to the […]
12-543. Oral debt; stated or open account; relief on ground of fraud or mistake; three year limitation There shall be commenced and prosecuted within three years after the cause of action accrues, and not afterward, the following actions: 1. For debt where the indebtedness is not evidenced by a contract in writing. 2. Upon stated […]
12-544. Bond to convey realty; partnership account; account between merchants; judgment or instrument given or made without the state; four year limitation There shall be commenced and prosecuted within four years after the cause of action accrues, and not afterward, the following actions: 1. For the penalty or for damages on the penal clause of […]
12-545. Bond of personal representative or guardian; four year limitation An action on the bond of an executor, administrator or guardian shall be commenced and prosecuted within four years after the death, resignation, removal or discharge of such executor, administrator or guardian, and not afterward.
12-546. Specific performance of contract to convey realty; four year limitation An action for specific performance of a contract for the conveyance of real property shall be commenced within four years after the cause of action accrues, and not afterward.
12-547. Failure to make return on execution; five year limitation When execution has issued and no return is made thereon, the party in whose favor the execution was issued may proceed against the sheriff or other officer and his sureties for not making return within five years from the day on which it was returnable, […]
12-548. Contract in writing for debt; six year limitation; choice of law A. An action for debt shall be commenced and prosecuted within six years after the cause of action accrues, and not afterward, if the indebtedness is evidenced by or founded on either of the following: 1. A contract in writing that is executed […]
12-549. Foreign judgment An action upon a judgment or decree rendered in another state or foreign country shall be barred if by the laws of such state or country such action would there be barred and the judgment or decree is incapable of being otherwise enforced there.
12-550. General limitation Actions other than for recovery of real property for which no limitation is otherwise prescribed shall be brought within four years after the cause of action accrues, and not afterward.
12-551. Product liability A product liability action as defined in section 12-681 shall be commenced and prosecuted within the period prescribed in section 12-542, except that no product liability action may be commenced and prosecuted if the cause of action accrues more than twelve years after the product was first sold for use or consumption, […]
12-552. Actions involving development of real property design, engineering and construction of improvements A. Notwithstanding any other statute, an action or arbitration based in contract may not be instituted or maintained against a person who develops or develops and sells real property, or performs or furnishes the design, specifications, surveying, planning, supervision, testing, construction or […]
12-553. Limited liability of equine owners and owners of equine facilities; exception; definitions A. An equine owner or an agent of an equine owner who regardless of consideration allows another person to take control of an equine is not liable for an injury to or the death of the person if: 1. The person has […]
12-554. Limited liability; baseball facilities; definitions A. An owner is not liable for injuries to spectators who are struck by baseballs, baseball bats or other equipment used by players during a baseball game unless the owner either: 1. Does not provide protective seating that is reasonably sufficient to satisfy expected requests. 2. Intentionally injures a […]
12-555. Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage; claims; time limits A. An insurer is not liable for uninsured motorist coverage benefits unless the person making the claim gives written notice to the insurer of the person’s intent to pursue the claim against the uninsured motorist portion of a motor vehicle policy within three years after the […]
12-556. Limited liability; closed-course motor sport facility owners, lessors and operators; definitions A. A person who operates a closed-course motor sport facility may require a nongeneral spectator to sign a motor sport liability release form as a condition of admission into any nongeneral spectator area of the facility. A person or entity that owns, leases […]
12-557. Possessors of land; limited liability for trespasser harm A. A possessor of real property, including an owner, easement holder, lessee, renter or other occupant, does not owe a duty of care to a trespasser except to refrain from causing intentional, wilful or wanton injury. B. This section does not establish or increase the liability […]
12-558. Liability release agreement; space flight activities; definitions A. A space flight entity may enter into a liability release agreement with a space flight participant or crew to limit the entity’s civil liability for a space flight participant’s or crew’s injury that arises out of space flight activities. B. The liability release agreement is valid […]
12-558.01. Actions related to the lawful discharge of a firearm; burden of proof; attorney fees and costs A. Notwithstanding any other law, the otherwise lawful discharge of a firearm or air gun or the use of archery equipment may not be enjoined except by: 1. An action maintained by the attorney general to abate a […]
12-558.02. Limited liability; removing minor or confined animal from motor vehicle; definition A. A person who uses reasonable force to enter a locked and unattended motor vehicle to remove a minor or confined domestic animal is not liable for any damages in a civil action if all of the following apply: 1. The person has […]