12-653.01. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Actual malice" means that state of mind arising from personal spite, hatred, or ill will toward the plaintiff, but such a state of mind occasioned by a good faith belief on the part of the defendant in the truth of the libelous publication […]
12-653.02. Failure to demand or publish or broadcast correction; publication with actual malice; damages; service of demand In an action for damages for the publication of a libel in a newspaper or magazine, or of a slander by radio or television broadcast, the plaintiff shall recover no more than special damages unless a correction is […]
12-653.03. Failure to publish or broadcast correction; recovery of special and exemplary damages; malice If a correction is demanded within the period prescribed by section 12-653.02, and is not published or broadcast in substantially as conspicuous a manner in the newspaper or magazine, or on the radio or television broadcasting station, as the statements claimed […]
12-653.04. Publication or broadcast of correction prior to demand A correction published or broadcast in substantially as conspicuous a manner in the newspaper or magazine, or on the radio or television broadcasting station, as the statements claimed in the complaint to be libelous, prior to receipt of a demand therefor, shall be of the same […]
12-653.05. Exception The provisions of this article shall not apply to any publication or broadcast made within thirty days preceding any election, if such publication or broadcast is designed to in any way influence the results of such election.