12-1621. Notice of sale; perishable, personal and real property; posting, publication and place of sale A. Notice of sale under execution shall be made as follows: 1. For the sale of perishable personal property, written notice of the time and place of sale shall be posted in three public places, two of which shall be […]
12-1622. Procedure in selling property under execution A. All sales under execution shall be made at public auction to the highest bidder, between the hours of ten a.m. and four p.m. B. After sufficient property has been sold to satisfy the judgment and costs, no more shall be sold. C. No person making the sale […]
12-1623. Postponement of sale The officer may postpone the sale from time to time by continuing the posting and publication of the notice until the day to which the sale is postponed, and appending at the foot thereof upon each successive postponement the following: " The above sale is postponed until the _________________ day of […]
12-1624. Liability of bidder for failure to pay; resale and recovery of loss and costs If the purchaser at the sale under execution does not pay the full bid price and statutory fees within five working days after the sale, the officer shall immediately offer the property to the second highest bidder who may, at […]
12-1625. Delivery of property and certificate of sale When the purchaser of personal property capable of manual delivery pays the purchase money, the officer shall deliver the property and if desired, execute and deliver to the purchaser a certificate of sale. If personal property not capable of manual delivery or which may be sold without […]
12-1626. Sale of real property and rights of purchaser; delivery and recording of certificate of sale A. Upon a sale of real property, the purchaser is substituted to and acquires all the right, title, interest and claim of the judgment debtor thereto. B. When the estate is less than a leasehold of two years unexpired […]