12-301. Time of payment of fees; effect of failure to collect; alternative payment methods A. All fees are payable at the time the service is rendered, unless otherwise provided by law. An officer may refuse to perform any service in any action or proceeding, criminal proceedings excepted, until the fees are paid. B. Failure to […]
12-302. Extension of time for payment of fees and costs; relief from default for nonpayment; deferral or waiver of court fees and costs; definitions A. The court or any judge may for good cause shown extend the time for paying any court fees and costs required by law or may relieve against a default caused […]
12-303. Witness fees and mileage A material witness attending the trial of a civil action shall be paid twelve dollars for each day’s attendance to and including the time it was necessary for him to leave his residence and go to the place of trial and his discharge as a witness. The witness shall also […]
12-304. Exemption of state, county, city, town or political subdivision of a county from court fees No court fees shall be charged: 1. The state, a county, a city, a town or a political subdivision of a county. 2. A commission, board or department of the state, a county, a city, a town or a […]
12-305. County law library fund A. A county law library fund is established in each county consisting of monies received pursuant to section 12-284.03, subsection A, paragraph 4 and section 41-178. B. The county law library fund shall be used for the purposes of enhancing legal research capabilities in the county law library and shall […]