12-801. General definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Person" means individuals, corporations, associations, partnerships, trustees, lessees, agents and assignees. 2. " Building" means and includes so much of any building or structure of any kind as is or may be entered through the same outside entrance.
12-802. Abatement of certain nuisances Every building or place used for the purpose of lewdness, assignation or prostitution and every building or place wherein or upon which acts of lewdness, assignation or prostitution are held or occur, is a nuisance which shall be enjoined, abated and prevented as provided by this article whether it is […]
12-803. Parties and scope of action If there is reason to believe that a nuisance as defined in section 12-802 is kept, maintained or exists in any county or city and county, the county attorney of the county in the name of the people of the state or the city attorney of the city in […]
12-804. Temporary injunction; affidavit and verified complaint A. If existence of a nuisance as defined in section 12-802 is shown in the action to the satisfaction of the court or judge either by verified complaint or affidavit, the court or judge shall make a temporary restraining order to abate and prevent continuance or recurrence of […]
12-805. Precedence of action; reputation of place as evidence; dismissal; substitution of plaintiffs; costs A. When the action described in section 12-803 is filed, it shall have precedence over all actions except criminal proceedings, election contests and hearings on injunctions. B. In the action, evidence of the general reputation of the building or place shall […]
12-806. Order of abatement; custody of building; fees for closing of premises and sale of movable property A. If the existence of the nuisance is established in an action as provided in this article, an order of abatement shall be entered as a part of the judgment in the action. B. The order shall direct: […]
12-807. Application of proceeds of sale; sale of building to make up deficiency A. The proceeds of sale of the property shall be applied in the following order: 1. To the fees and costs of the removal and sale. 2. To the allowances and costs of closing and keeping the building or place closed. 3. […]
12-808. Release of property; bond and conditions; exception A. If the owner of the building or place has not been guilty of contempt of court in the proceedings, and appears and pays all costs, fees and allowances, which are a lien on the building or place, and files a bond in the full value of […]
12-809. Contempt fine as lien on premises; execution When an act or acts constituting a contempt have been committed upon a place or building and the owner of an interest therein has been found guilty of such contempt and a fine imposed, the fine shall be a lien upon the place or building to the […]
12-810. Violation as contempt; classification A violation or disobedience of either an injunction or order expressly provided for by this article shall be punished as a class 2 misdemeanor.