15-961. District additional assistance; growth rate (L22, Ch. 285, sec. 8. Eff. 7/1/23) A. District additional assistance per student count is established as follows: 1. For school districts with a student count of less than one hundred for kindergarten programs and grades one through eight, $544.58. For school districts with a student count of one […]
15-961. District additional assistance; growth rate (L22, Ch. 317, sec. 12) A. District additional assistance per student count is established as follows: 1. For school districts with a student count of less than one hundred for kindergarten programs and grades one through eight, $606.88. For school districts with a student count of one hundred or […]
15-962.01. District additional assistance allocation for career technical education districts The district additional assistance for a career technical education district shall be the amount for students in grades nine through twelve for districts with a student count of six hundred or more as prescribed in section 15-961.
15-963. Capital transportation adjustment for small school districts A. A school district may apply to the state board of education for a capital transportation adjustment for the purchase of a transportation vehicle if the district meets all of the following requirements: 1. Has a student count of fewer than six hundred in kindergarten programs and […]
15-964. Federal impact adjustment A. The governing board of a school district may compute a federal impact adjustment to the unrestricted capital budget limit. The maximum amount of the federal impact adjustment is the sum of the following: 1. Twenty-five percent of the monies received from forest reserve funds by the school district in the […]
15-965. Schools; impact aid; teacher housing Notwithstanding any other law, a school district that receives federal impact aid may use those monies for maintenance and renovation of teacher housing and may transfer those monies into the teacherage account.