15-1741. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Board" means the Arizona board of regents or its successor. 2. " Commission" means the western interstate commission for higher education. 3. " Compact" means the compact for western regional cooperation in higher education.
15-1742. Authority of governor to enter compact; terms of compact The governor, for and in behalf of the state, may enter into compacts for western regional cooperation in higher education with the states of Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, or any one or more of such […]
15-1743. Authorizing agreements for education of Arizona students outside compact area; limitations A. The western interstate commission for higher education is authorized to act on behalf of this state in making arrangements for the placement of students in institutions and programs of higher learning outside the states which are parties to the compact for establishing […]
15-1744. Processing and certification of students A. The board shall, within the limitations and on the terms fixed by the commission and by this article, determine the number of students desiring to take advantage of the educational facilities afforded by the compact and, from those indicating such a desire, select a group in each allowable […]
15-1745. Contract with student certified by board A. Before certifying a student to the commission the board, on behalf of this state, shall enter into a written contract with the student. The contract shall set forth the methods and terms of repayment by the student to this state and shall be on terms and conditions […]
15-1746. Collections revolving fund; expenditures; employment of legal counsel; exemption from lapsing A. A collections revolving fund is established which consists of: 1. Monies repaid to the board as provided in section 15-1745. 2. Monies which the legislature appropriates. B. The board shall use monies in the collections revolving fund for payment of expenses incurred […]
15-1747. Reciprocity agreement for distance education; definition A. The Arizona board of regents, community college districts and the state board for private postsecondary education, through intergovernmental agreement, may enter into an interstate reciprocity agreement for the purpose of managing postsecondary distance education. B. The intergovernmental agreement pursuant to subsection A of this section, at a […]