15-101. Definitions In this title, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Accommodation school" means either: (a) A school that is operated through the county board of supervisors and the county school superintendent and that the county school superintendent administers to serve a military reservation or territory that is not included within the boundaries of […]
15-102. Parental involvement in the school; definition A. Each school district governing board, in consultation with parents, teachers and administrators, shall develop and adopt a policy to promote the involvement of parents and guardians of children enrolled in the schools within the school district, including: 1. A plan for parent participation in the schools that […]
15-103. School districts; financial mismanagement; intervention; definitions A. The state board of education shall review allegations of school district insolvency and gross mismanagement. The state board shall give the school district an opportunity to respond to these allegations at a public meeting. If the state board determines that the school district is insolvent or has […]
15-104. Mental health screening; consent; form; exemption A. Before it conducts a mental health screening on any pupil, defined as a survey, analysis or evaluation created by a governmental or private third party pursuant to the protection of pupil rights amendment (20 United States Code section 1232h; 34 Code of Federal Regulations part 98), a […]
15-105. Use of restraint and seclusion techniques; requirements; definitions A. A school may permit the use of restraint or seclusion techniques on any pupil if both of the following apply: 1. The pupil’s behavior presents an imminent danger of bodily harm to the pupil or others. 2. Less restrictive interventions appear insufficient to mitigate the […]
15-106. Identity verified fingerprints An applicant who applies for a new teaching certificate in order to teach in a school district, a participant in field experience or student teaching in this state, an applicant who applies for a renewal of an existing teaching certificate in order to continue teaching in a school district, an applicant […]
15-107. School district overexpenditures; fiscal crisis teams; quarterly progress reports; fiscal management report; annual report; actions resulting from overexpenditures; professional development; definition A. A county school superintendent, within two business days, shall provide written notice to the department of education, if, in the county school superintendent’s judgment, a school district has committed an overexpenditure under […]
15-108. Medical marijuana; school campuses; prohibition; definition (Subsection A was added with a 1998 Prop. 105 clause pursuant to L12, Ch. 159) A. In addition to the limitations prescribed in section 36-2802, subsection B, a person, including a cardholder as defined in section 36-2801, may not lawfully possess or use marijuana on the campus of […]
15-109. Biometric information; prohibition; definition A. A school in a school district or a charter school shall not collect biometric information from a pupil unless the pupil’s parent or guardian gives written permission to collect biometric information from the pupil. B. At least thirty days before a school in a school district or charter school […]
15-110. Rights of students at public educational institutions; limitations; definition A. A public educational institution shall not discriminate against students or parents on the basis of a religious viewpoint or religious expression. B. If an assignment requires a student’s viewpoint to be expressed in coursework, artwork or other written or oral assignments, a public educational […]
15-111. Declaration of policy The legislature finds and declares that public school pupils should be taught to treat and value each other as individuals and not be taught to resent or hate other races or classes of people.
15-112. Prohibited courses and classes; enforcement A. A school district or charter school in this state shall not include in its program of instruction any courses or classes that include any of the following: 1. Promote the overthrow of the United States government. 2. Promote resentment toward a race or class of people. 3. Are […]
15-113. Rights of parents; public educational institutions; definitions A. A parent of a student in a public educational institution has the right to review learning materials and activities in advance. A parent who objects to any learning material or activity on the basis that the material or activity is harmful may request to withdraw that […]
15-114. Display of school, charter school and school district achievements, classifications or rankings; expiration; definition A. A school, charter school or school district shall not display any achievement, classification or ranking that was assigned by a public or private entity after the achievement, classification or ranking is no longer current unless the year of issuance […]
15-115. Preference for childbirth and adoption; allowable presentations A. In view of the state’s strong interest in promoting childbirth and adoption over elective abortion, no school district or charter school in this state may endorse or provide financial or instructional program support to any program that does not present childbirth and adoption as preferred options […]
15-115.01. Public educational institution facility; prohibition; definitions A. A facility that is run by or that operates on the property of a public educational institution may not perform or provide an abortion, unless the abortion is necessary to save the life of the woman having the abortion. B. For the purposes of this section: 1. […]
15-116. Public schools; fees; waiver; prohibition A. A school district governing board or charter school governing body that authorizes the assessment of fees pursuant to this title shall ensure that all fees contain a provision that allows the fees to be waived in the event of economic hardship to the pupil. B. The nonpayment of […]
15-117. Surveys; pupil information; parental permission and informed consent; exceptions; penalties; definitions A. Notwithstanding any other law, each school district and charter school shall obtain written informed consent from the parent of a pupil before administering any survey that solicits personal information about the pupil regarding any of the following: 1. Critical appraisals of another […]
15-118. Recess; requirements; exceptions; definition A. Each school district and charter school shall provide at least two recess periods during the school day for pupils in kindergarten programs and grades one through three. From and after August 1, 2019 each school district and charter school shall provide at least two recess periods during the school […]
15-119. Vacant and partially used buildings; list; sale or lease; equipment; definitions A. The division of school facilities within the department of administration shall annually publish a list of vacant buildings and partially used buildings that are owned by this state or by school districts in this state and that may be suitable for the […]