20-3501. Definitions In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Classification of benefits" means the following classifications of benefits provided by a health plan: (a) Inpatient, in-network. (b) Inpatient, out-of-network. (c) Outpatient, in-network. (d) Outpatient, out-of-network. (e) Emergency care. (f) Prescription benefits. 2. " Health care insurer" means a disability insurer, group disability […]
20-3502. Compliance with federal law; report A. Each health care insurer that issues a health plan in this state shall comply with the mental health parity and addiction equity act. B. After January 1, 2022, on a date specified by the director, each health care insurer that issues a health plan in this state shall […]
20-3503. Enforcement and oversight A. The department shall enforce this chapter. B. On or before January 1, 2021, the department shall develop a web page that provides the following information in nontechnical and readily understandable language: 1. Consumer-friendly information concerning the scope and applicability of the mental health parity and addiction equity act and the […]
20-3504. Access to behavioral health services for minors A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, any health care insurer that issues a health plan in this state that includes mental health or substance use disorder benefits may not deny any claim for mental health or substance use disorder benefits for a minor solely on […]
20-3505. Mental health parity advisory committee; members A. The mental health parity advisory committee is established to advise the directors of the department of insurance and financial institutions and department of health services relating to matters pertinent to mental health parity, including recommendations related to case management, discharge planning and expedited review and appeals processes […]