§ 23-1101 – Definition of report
23-1101. Definition of report In this article, unless the context otherwise requires, " report" means the report prescribed by section 23-1102.
23-1101. Definition of report In this article, unless the context otherwise requires, " report" means the report prescribed by section 23-1102.
23-1102. Workers’ compensation presumptions of compensability; report A person that advocates a legislative proposal shall submit a report to the joint legislative audit committee as prescribed in this article, if the legislative proposal if enacted would do either of the following: 1. Mandate that an insurer or self-insured employer deem that a disease or condition […]
23-1103. Impact of presumptions; liability A. The report shall include all of the following: 1. Scientific evidence that shows the extent to which: (a) Peer reviewed scientific studies exist that document a causal relationship that a specific disease or condition has been demonstrated to have arisen out of employment. (b) The centers for disease control […]
23-1104. Report procedures and deadlines A report must be submitted to the joint legislative audit committee on or before September 1 before the start of the legislative session for which the legislation is proposed. The joint legislative audit committee shall assign the written report to the appropriate legislative committee of reference established pursuant to section […]
23-1105. Heart-related, perivascular and pulmonary cases; firefighters; presumption; definition A. A heart-related, perivascular or pulmonary injury, illness or death of a firefighter is presumed to be an occupational disease as defined in section 23-901, paragraph 13, subdivision (c), compensable pursuant to section 23-1043.01 and deemed to arise out of employment if all of the following […]